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Go library provides a simple way to handle configuration parameters for Go programs.


  • Extrimally simple to use this library for create a config files in YAML or JSON formats
  • Defining config files structure and option extra settings with Go structs and tags
  • Using environment variables as an option values

  • Manage options in structure field tags
    To describe configuration file structure you simply need to define the struct in the Go program code. In that struct you can use field tags to set different options and to determine config file decoding behavior. Currently, the next tags are available:

    • conf: defines custom name for an option
    • conf_extraopts: provides advanced settings for option. This tag may have the following values:
      • required: option with this tag is mandatory. If it is set, but corresponding option is not defined in the config file, it will cause an error.
      • default: determines default value for the option.
  • ENV variables as option values
    You may specify the option value as ENV:VARIABLE_NAME. It will use the value of the relative environment variable (i.e. VARIABLE_NAME) as value for that option.

  • YAML and JSON formats are available
    Currently, you can use config files in YAML or JSON formats. To switch the format you only need to specify the appropriate setting for config file load function.

  • Catch the unknown options
    You can catch options, that are contained in config file but has no matching in the result interface.

Who can use the tool

Developers who creates an applications that using config files.


import ""


To initialize this library you need to do a few steps

Define a config structure

You need to define a Go structure with tags. Tags may contains a following special fields:

  • conf: defines a name for option
  • conf_extraopts: provides advanced settings for option. This tag may have the following values:
    • required: option with this tag is mandatory. If it is set but corresponding option is not defined in the config file it will cause an error
    • default: determines default value for the option

Struct you defined as config may contains a fields with various types including other structs.

See example a config struct definition below.

Let's say we need to get for our application some data:

  • Logfile path
  • Settings to connect to MySQL server

A config struct for this issue may looks as follows:

type confOpts struct {
	LogFile  string `conf:"logfile" conf_extraopts:"default=stderr"`
	MySQL    *mysqlConf            `conf:"mysql"`

type mysqlConf struct {
	Host     string `conf:"host" conf_extraopts:"required"`
	Port     int    `conf:"port" conf_extraopts:"required"`
	DB       string `conf:"db" conf_extraopts:"required"`
	User     string `conf:"user" conf_extraopts:"required"`
	Password string `conf:"password" conf_extraopts:"required"`

This config struct will impose the following requirements to the configuration file:

  • If option logfile is specified this set a path to log file. Otherwise stderr will be used
  • Option mysql is not mandaory and if it not specified in config file an appropriate variable will be nil. But if option mysql is specified then options host, port, db, user and password must be specified

Load config

Since config struct was defined you need to read a config file and load a values with function:

conf.Load(conf interface{}, s conf.Settings) error


  • conf arg it is a config struct variable
  • s arg it is a settings to load config with following fields:
    • ConfPath:

How to use


You may find more examples in unit-tests in this repository

Parse simple config file:

package main

import (


const (
        confPath = "./main.conf"

type confOpts struct {
        Name string `conf:"name" conf_extraopts:"required"`
        Age  int    `conf_extraopts:"default=19"`
        Job  struct {
                Name    string  `conf:"name" conf_extraopts:"required"`
                Address string  `conf:"address" conf_extraopts:"default=Some Address"`
                Salary  float64 `conf:"salary" conf_extraopts:"default=1.3"`
        } `conf:"job" conf_extraopts:"required"`
        FavoriteDishes []string `conf:"favorite_dishes"`

func main() {

        var c confOpts

        if err := conf.Load(&c, conf.Settings{
                ConfPath:    confPath,
                ConfType:    conf.ConfigTypeYAML,
                UnknownDeny: true,
        }); err != nil {

        fmt.Printf("%+v\n", c)

Relative config file:

name: John Doe
- apples
- ice cream


CONF_JOB_NAME="Best job" CONF_JOB_SALARY="1.0" go run main.go

For more examples see apps based on this library:


For support and feedback please contact me:


nxs-go-conf is released under the MIT License.


Go package to handle configuration parameters







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