Tags: nizamlko/vanilla-1
Change the wording of subreddit link in about.html Say "Community & support", instead of just "Subreddit", for more clarity for people who might not know reddit. Suggested by /u/Piscivm at https://www.reddit.com/r/vanillamusic/comments/41x3n9/suggestion_user_forum_in_about_page/
Fix out-of-date settings shown after import We use the PreferenceFragment framework provided by Android to display settings and allow the user to modify them. The API doesn't support dynamic preference changes from a non-user source, such as loading the preferences from a file. Previously, after importing the settings from a file the user would go back to the PreferenceActivity and would see the old (pre-import) values, even though the saved settings had been correctly loaded. This commit provides a stop-gap solution to the issue by finishing the PreferenceActivity when the user imports settings, the rationale being that forcing the user to re-navigate to the settings, while slightly annoying, is much better than making them think we hosed their data.