This project aims to be a reference applications for the buyers registered on the ONDC platform
- Node.js > 12 and npm (Recommended: Use nvm)
- Watchman
- Xcode 12
- Cocoapods 1.10.1
- JDK > 11
- Android Studio and Android SDK
- @invertase/react-native-apple-authentication to support login with apple on iphones
- @ptomasroos/react-native-multi-slider to select range
- @react-native-async-storage/async-storage for persistent, key-value storage system
- @react-native-firebase/auth to authenticate user
- @react-native-google-signin/google-signin to support login with google
- @react-navigation/native to support navigation across the app
- @react-navigation/native-stack to support stack navigation
- @slanglabs/slang-conva-react-native-retail-assistant for audio search
- axios to support api requests
- formik to support form validation
- hyper-sdk-react for justpay payment integration
- moment to support time related operations
- react-native-config to handle different env of application
- react-native-event-source to handle SSE
- react-native-fast-image to render images
- react-native-image-slider-box to handle image sliding
- react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view to handle keyboard events on form
- react-native-material-dropdown to show dropdown
- react-native-material-menu to show menu
- react-native-multi-slider to select range
- react-native-pager-view to implement page swipe
- react-native-paper to render UI components
- react-native-raw-bottom-sheet to render sheet
- react-native-safe-area-context to handle safe area view
- react-native-screens
- react-native-select-dropdown
- react-native-skeleton-placeholder to show skeletons
- react-native-svg to render svg images
- react-native-svg-transformer to render svg images
- react-native-toast-message to show toast messages
- react-native-vector-icons to show icons
- react-redux for state management
- redux for state management
- yup for state management
You can start by cloning this repository and using react-native-rename. In the current state of this project, it should give you no issues at all, just run the script, delete your node modules and reinstall them and you should be good to go.
Keep in mind that this library can cause trouble if you are renaming a project that uses Pods
on the iOS side.
After that you should proceed as with any javascript project:
- Go to your project's root folder and run
npm install
. - If you are using Xcode 12.5 or higher got to /ios and execute
pod install --
repo-update` - Run
npm run ios
ornpm run android
to start your application!
(Using yarn: yarn ios
or yarn android
Note: Please read the Setup environments section that is below in this file for more information about the execution scripts.
If you want to roll on your own and don't want to use this as a template, you can create your project and then copy the /src
folder (which has all the code of your application) and update your index.js
Keep in mind that if you do this, you'll have to install and link all dependencies (as well as adding all the necessary native code for each library that requires it).
To customize the splash screen (logo and background color) use the CLI provided in the official docs.
The template already has scripts to execute the project calling a specific environment defined into the package.json file. Keep in mind that if you are going to create new envs
you have to define the script to build the project properly.
To define which env you want to use, just keep the structure yarn [platform]: [environment]
DEV: yarn ios
or yarn android
STG: yarn ios:stg
or yarn android:stg
Also, you can use npm following the same rule as before: npm run ios:stg
Modify the environment variables files in root folder (.env.development
, .env.staging
A map associating builds with env files is already defined in app/build.gradle
you can modify or add environments if needed.
For multiple enviroments to work you would need to change -keep class [YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME].BuildConfig { *; }
The basic idea in iOS is to have one scheme per environment file, so you can easily alternate between them.
To create a new scheme:
In the Xcode menu, go to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme
Click Duplicate Scheme on the bottom
Give it a proper name on the top left. For instance: "qa"
Then edit the newly created scheme to make it use a different env file. From the same "manage scheme" window:
Expand the "Build" tab on the left menu
- Click "Pre-actions", and under the plus sign select "New Run Script Action"
- Where it says "Type a script or drag a script file", type:
echo "" > /tmp/envfile
with your file.
Also, you will need to select the executable for the new schema:
Expand the "Run" tab on the left menu
- Under the "Executable" dropdown select the ".app" you would like to use for that schema
These are the steps to generate .apk
, .aab
and .ipa
- Generate an upload key
- Setting up gradle variables
- Go to the android folder
- Execute
./gradlew assemble[Env][BuildType]
Note: You have three options to execute the project
Generates an apk that you can share with others.
When you want to test a release build on a connected device.
When you are uploading the app to the Play Store.
For more info please go to
- Go to the Xcode
- Select the schema
- Select 'Any iOS device' as target
- Product -> Archive
For more info please go to