Download and unzip the file to your local directory Numpy and OpenCV need to be installed before running these scripts
- With cmd, enter the directory of these scripts
cd ..\Color_classification
- The usage of scipt can be checked with running
python -h
This command can be used to process single image input
python -f <image directory> -k <k value> -m <max number of colors in card> -s -o
-f : required, the directory of image input
-k : required, the k value applied to KMeans, will also decide the number of colors output
-m :the max number of color shown in color card applied if k is larger than m, default would be 15
-s : use this to show specific RGB value of colors in the color card
-o : call a image segmentation function before color analysis
with -o choosen, user will be required to draw the range of object interested. Use need to press Enter to confirm the selection, and then press 0 to confirm the segmentation. They could also press r to retry the segmentation if not satisfied with result.
python -f images/banana.jpg -k 10 -o
This command can be used to process single image input
python -p <package directory> -k <k value> -m <max number of colors in card> -s
This command will automatically process all images within this directory, analysis and classify them
python -p images -k 15