This Haskell program takes in a list of stock positions and queries the Yahoo finance JSON api to get the latest quote for the given tickers. It outputs information about your portfolio.
Using stack install the program and all its dependencies
stack install
Two executables will be installed in your stack bin:
- get-quote-stdin
- get-quote
Running the stdin program. You format the portofolio positions: SYMBOL,NUM_SHARES,COST_BASIC
Note you can list multiple lines for the same SYMBOL
echo "AAPL,5.0,25.0\nTWTR,10.0,2.0\nAAPL,3.0,50.0" | get-quote-stdin
Running QuoteLookup using stdin
Total Cost Basis: 295.0
Total Value: 985.14
Total Percent Change: 233.94577
Total Change: 690.14
Todays Percent Change: 1.4520493
Todays Change: 14.100037
Dividend Per Year: 18.24
Earning Per Year: 65.24
DY At Cost: 6.183051
Symbol Previous Close Price % of Portfolio YearlyDividend YearlyEarning Today's % Change Today's $ Change Total $ Change Total $ Amount
AAPL 98.78 99.83 81.06868 2.28 8.98 +1.0629654 +8.400024 +523.64 798.64
TWTR 18.08 18.65 18.931318 0.0 -0.66 +3.1526566 +5.699997 +166.5 186.5
You can also save your positions file, and either and cat the file into the stdin program or run:
get-quote positions.csv