- Go to no-slack.appspot.com
- Log in with your google account
- Once you are logged in, you should see a nav bar. In the top right corner there will be a "+" (plus sign). Press it to populate dummy data
- WAIT! Population may take a minute or 2
- Once it has finished you can play around
Who should throw away the trash today? Who should hover the hallway? How do you get reports on who has done what?
No-slack solves exactly this - you can create tasks and assign who should do it next. You can keep track of who has done what and who is slacking off.
With a few clicks you can delegate all the tasks to the right people and finally achieve harmony at your shared house.
Before you deploy, make sure you have bower. If you're not sure, install it like this globally:
npm install -g bower
You're only supposed to do this once.
Afterwards go in static/ and type:
bower install
or if you have any problems try
bower install --force
You're only supposed to this once unless someone has added a new bower component to bower.json.
To add a new component in Bower, please type:
bower install <name-of-component> --save
Technologies used:
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap 3
The AngularJS code is in:
- controllers/
- directives/
- services/
The Main HTML templates are in:
The Main HTML are then populated with partials from:
We use SCSS, which can be found in:
Technologies used:
- Google App Engine
- Python
This app is intended to be run on Google App Engine.
On 30/12/2015 we had 2858/4400 LOC.
We need to use cloc to count the lines of code. You can download it from here.
You can try the following command for Windows:
cloc.exe cloudapplicationdev --exclude-dir=external,lib,unittests,bower_components,css,fonts,img
Don't forget to add cloc.exe to the PATH for windows or to put cloc immediately outside the cloudapplicationdev folder.
and for Mac:
cloc cloudapplicationdev --exclude-dir=external,lib,unittests,bower_components,css,fonts,img