options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION Location to scrape home data for -r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS The radius to scrape home data for, using the location as the centerpoint -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME Name of the CSV file to create, or append listing data to if it exists
py -l "San Diego, CA" -r 20 -f "San_Diego_CA_Daily_Listings.csv"
Achieved using Task Scheduler
- Hit the Windows key and search "Task Scheduler"
- Select "Create Task..." in the right-most pane
- Give it a Name/description so you can identify it
- Select "Run whether user is logged on or not"
- Move to "Triggers" tab and select "New..."
- Enter your preferred scraping interval
- Move to the "Actions" tab and select "New..."
- Enter "py" or "python" into the "Program/script:" box
- Enter your "<PATH_TO_THIS_REPO>\ -l "San Diego, CA" -r 20 -f "San_Diego_CA_Daily_Listings.csv"" into the "Add arguments (optional):" box. Change arguments to your desired args
- Click "Ok", then Click "Ok" again
- Enter credentials, if prompted
Ta-Da! You've successfully automated scraping daily listings from your desired location