A small math calculation library. Compiles on Linux and iOS.
It can calculate with Fractions and provides some nice function printing, e.g:
> 2+3/sin(0.5*PI)
2 + ──────────── => 5
sin(0.5 * π)
The library is used for µoscalc on iPad (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/oscalc/id555689840)
Linux: You need cmake, gtest and a current version of boost. CMake shall find all dependencies and build the test application for you.
# Clone it with git
git clone git://github.com/nob13/smallcalc.git
cd smallcalc
# Create a build directory, go in there
mkdir build; cd build
# Let cmake generate make files
cmake ../
# build it
# Try the testcases
# Try the test app
XCode (hack): Add boost to the include paths. Testcases are not supported. Just add the sourcefiles to your project.
I tried no other operating systems.
Thanx to Nemanja Trifunovic for his Utf8 Library. I embedded his UTF8 routines in the printing package (smallcalc/print/utf8). http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net/
Thanx to the Guys at CERT for their overflow-safe mathematical routines: https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/x/RgE
If you have some C++ Linux / OSX / iOS stuff to be done in Berlin, tell me :) I am working as a Freelancer.
The library, test application and testcases are licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0 license.
Copyright 2012 Norbert Schultz