This tool has not been maintained for a while. Please use instead.
supervisord like golang implement
- multiple process management.
- cross platform (windows/linux/os-x) supported.
- remote controll utility bundled.
go get -u
default-path = "execute-parent-dir/supervisorgo.json"
"ControlUri": "unix:./supervisorgo.sock",
"Procs": [
"Name": "builder",
"DisplayName": "Go Builder",
"Description": "Run the Go Builder",
"Dir": "/tmp",
"Exec": "bash",
"Args": ["-c","while true; do echo hello; sleep 5; exit 1; done"],
"Env": [
"Stderr": "sample-err.log",
"Stdout": "sample-out.log",
"Interval": 1000,
"Retry": 3
supervisorgo -c config.json
supervisorgo start
supervisorgo stop
supervisorgo restart
sudo supervisorgo install # daemon install to system
sudo supervisorgo uninstall # daemon uninstall from system
supervisorctl [-c unix:./supervisorgo.sock] subcommand [args...]
supervisorctl status
(list procs)
supervisorctl status target-name
supervisorctl start target-name
supervisorctl stop target-name
- add exec-user setting
- use custom stop signal
- sock default-path to /var/run/supervisorgo.sock
- windows/linux/os-x install test