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Install, manage and run self-hosted network services and applications on your own server(s).
This project provides:
- ansible roles for automated installation/configuration of various network services, applications and management tools (sharing, communication, collaboration systems, file storage, multimedia, office/organization, development, automation, infrastructure...)
- an optional command-line tool for common operations, configuration, deployment and maintenance of your servers
- a template to get started with a single server in a few minutes
- apache - web server/reverse proxy + PHP-FPM interpreter
- backup - remote/local backup service (rsnapshot)
- common - base setup for Debian-based servers
- dnsmasq - lightweight DNS server
- gitea - git version control service/software forge
- gitea_act_runner - CI/CD runner for Gitea Actions
- gotty - web-based terminal emulator
- graylog - log aggregation, storage, real-time search and analysis tool
- homepage - simple webserver homepage/dashboard
- jellyfin - media server
- jitsi - video conferencing solution
- libvirt - virtualization toolkit
- mail_dovecot - IMAP mailbox server
- matrix - secure instant messaging service
- monitoring - monitoring, alerting, audit and logging system
- monitoring_goaccess - real-time web log analyzer/interactive viewer
- monitoring_netdata - lightweight, real-time monitoring and alerting system
- monitoring_rsyslog - log aggregation, processing and forwarding system
- monitoring_utils - monitoring and audit utilities
- moodist - Ambient sound mixer
- mumble - low-latency VoIP/voice chat server
- nextcloud - file hosting/sharing/synchronization and collaboration platform
- nmap - automated network scanning for ansible-based projects
- openldap - LDAP directory server and web management tools
- owncast - live video streaming and chat server
- podman - OCI container engine and management tools
- postgresql - database engine
- readme_gen - automatic README.md generator for ansible-based projects
- samba - cross-platform file sharing server
- searxng - metasearch engine
- shaarli - bookmarking & link sharing web application
- stirlingpdf - PDF manipulation tools
- transmission - bittorrent client/web interface
- tt_rss - web-based news feed reader
- wireguard - fast and modern VPN server
- GNU GPLv3 unless noted otherwise in individual files/directories
- Documentation is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license