Automation Fanatic
Honestly, I just want to build cool stuff—automating everything I do on computers and at work, one script at a time. I hate frontend development but love backend, database, and crafting scripts and CLI tools to streamline my workflow. Lately, I've been diving headfirst into becoming the chosen one of Neovim and Vim motions. One day, I'll program so fast in Neovim that my fingers will immolate and my keyboard will melt.
Front End / Back End / Database:
This document provides detailed descriptions of my professional achievements and contributions across various roles and projects throughout my career.
Explore Detailed Work Experience
- Undergrad Job Hunt Handbook - A document on everything I learned about finding a job in tech as a developer.
- ezarr fork - Fork of ezarr that modifies the script to work for my my exact use case in my media server. Includes many small modifications and some extra docker containers
- Neovim Config - Configuration for Nvim. Includes LSP, Auto Formatting, Fuzzy Finder, Oil File Management, Treesitter, Harpoon for the coolest way to bounce between files in existence and more. This config was a massive pain to write so please be impressed.
- bulk_renamer - A tool designed to rename many files as fast as possible using only the CLI
- Gamecube Swiss Updater - A script to update Swiss files for Swiss Gamecube Drive.
- Two Face File Rename - Honestly in retrospective, I think hardlinks just solve what this script accomplishes. Still a neat script that uses hash values of files to store two different filenames for one file.
- Dragon Ball FighterZ Zeni Script - This code is stupid simple so not impressive. The reason I put this here is because it showcases my thourough documentation for all code I write.
- Email : [email protected]
- Website :
- LinkedIn : Nolan Winsman
- SLiMS Automation - Working on automating the code migration process from Development to QA in our in house SCM tool. This is a work project that I have been working on for almost three years. The reason it is taking so long is because I've been negotiating with the SLiMS team for three years to update their APIs. Their current APIs are only GET requests (read only) so I can't automate anything. A caveman could do this SLiMS work and it costs our team 20+ hours a week so I'm doing everything I can to automate this work.
- Script to Creat JSON of the entire folder structure and hash values of files to be able to reconstruct destroyed server files