In few commands: (thx to docker compose ;)
- run both clients (parity & geth)
- check accounts and status
- make a transaction in python (transfert test eth between the nodes)
I use this setup for production
- Data stays on host volumes: container nodes can be destroy without lossing the data --> easy version migration
- Auto unlock wallets when container is starting (please use firewall to protect your prod nodes!)
More info: you can find an overview of that setup on my blog:
- Ubuntu or other flavor
- Docker
- Docker-compose
Accounts info:
- gethtest: 0x881bce7131857c9d24effdbe39ea974fd3c43e50
- paritytest: 0x9e6c69b73f5808a25404edcf7eac7bf8ee935568
- password: notsecure
git clone eth && cd eth
Setup local volumes for blockchains
docker volume create --name eth_gethtest
docker volume create --name eth_paritytest
Use already existing account and password (nice so you don't have to load ethtest)
cp -r gethtest/* /var/lib/docker/volumes/eth_gethtest/_data/
cp -r paritytest/* /var/lib/docker/volumes/eth_paritytest/_data/
OR if you want to use a fresh new wallet
docker run --rm -it -v eth_paritytest:/root/.parity ethcore/parity --testnet account new
ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/eth_paritytest/_data/testnet_keys/ <-- your test wallet is here
docker run --rm -it -v eth_gethtest:/root/.ethereum ethereum/client-go --testnet account new
ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/eth_gethtest/_data/testnet/keystore/ <-- your test wallet is here
OR in a running container
docker run -d --name geth0 -v eth_gethtest:/root/.ethereum ethereum/client-go --testnet docker exec -it geth0 bash -c "geth --testnet --password <(echo -n notsecure) account new" docker stop geth0 && docker rm geth0
And setup password:
echo -n 'notsecure' > /var/lib/docker/volumes/eth_paritytest/_data/testnet_keys/mypass <-- unsure that there is no space or new line in file: don't use nano, it leave a new line!!
docker-compose up -d
docker exec eth_paritytest_1 /build/parity/target/release/parity --testnet account list
docker exec eth_gethtest_1 geth --testnet account list
Use the python script to check data and to send eth between the two node
apt-get install -y python3-pip
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install web3
To make queries on blockchain, your nodes need to be sync? Syncing? : No <-- you are sync Syncing? : {'highestBlock': 1743086,... <-- need to wait more...
Use faucet to get eth-test credit:
Or classic curl:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBalance","params":["0x0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63", "latest"],"id":1}'
You can attach to the geth console to run javascript command:
docker exec -it eth_gethtest_1 geth attach ipc:/root/.ethereum/testnet/geth.ipc
Or directly:
docker exec -it eth_gethtest_1 geth --exec '' attach ipc:/root/.ethereum/testnet/geth.ipc
docker exec -it eth_gethtest_1 geth --exec 'personal.listAccounts' attach ipc:/root/.ethereum/testnet/geth.ipc
docker exec -it eth_gethtest_1 geth --exec 'eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase)' attach ipc:/root/.ethereum/testnet/geth.ipc
You can fix the version of the nodes in:
nano docker-compose.yml
image:ethcore/parity:latest <-- here
Or when a new version of nodes are available in
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d <-- Your containers are at the latest version !
docker run -ti ethcore/parity --help