This repository contains 3 projects:
is a test code to verify that the IrSocket library works and is stable.ChargerLink
is the code for the charging station and ChargingStation.ino is feature complete, meaning that it is ready to be used and does not require any alteration. The code is written for use with theArduino Uno
is the code for the zumo robot, and Zumo.ino is the main file. This is an example code to demo the capabilities of theChargerLink
library. To import theChargerLink
library, copy the ChargerLink folder into your sketch folder. The code is written for use with thePololu A-Star 32U4
Each of these projects contain a dependencies.txt
file which lists the libraries that are required to run the code. In addition to installing these libraries the CarLink, IrSocket or ChargerLink folders must be copied into your sketch folder depending on which one you intend to use.