GOlang base repository with code gen to create a fast golang project based on hexagonal architeture
Remember to create your .env file based on .env.example
Up mysql and zord project:
docker compose up
You will need to build the http/main.go file:
go build -o server cmd/http/main.go
Then run the server
go run cmd/http/main.go
Note: To run the local build as described in the second or third option, a MySQL server must be running. This is necessary for the application to interact with its database. The easiest way to set up a MySQL server locally is by using Docker. Below is a command to start a MySQL server container using Docker:
docker compose up mysql -d
This command will ensure that a MySQL server is running in the background, allowing you to execute the local build successfully.
to build cli into binary file run
go build -o cli cmd/cli/main.go
then you can run all cli commands with the binary file
./cli -h
if you`re developing something in the cli the best way is run it directly to all changes
go run cmd/cli/main.go
create new domain (crud):
./cli create-domain {{domain}}
destroy domain:
./cli destroy-domain {{domain}}
migrate all domains:
./cli migrate
Obs: If you`re generating code inside docker container you need to change generated folder and file permissions to code out of docker container.
run the follow command to edit generated files:
sudo chown $USER:$USER -R .
if you have a group name different from username change the command accordingly
Run all tests:
go test ./...
Verify code coverage:
// Generate coverage output
go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.out
// Generate HTML file
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
Want to contribute? Great!
The project using a simple code. Make a change in your file and be careful with your updates! Any new code will only be accepted with all validations.
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