by Jimmy "notKamui" Teillard & Lorris "ZwenDo" Creantor
greatly inspired by Baba is You by Arvi Teikari
all assets are owned by Arvi Teikari and are used under fair-use.
Support the real game by actually buying it !
Make sure that :
- You have the Java JRE 21 installed
and theresources
folder are in the same directory- All levels are in
Run the game with
java -jar baba.jar [options]
Options can be the following:
- nothing will default to launch default-level
--level [name] {...}
with name being the name of a level--levels [dirname] {...}
with dirname being the name of a directory (world)
and --levels
are incompatible, but you can cumulate each.
Examples of valid commands:
java -jar baba.jar
java -jar baba.jar --level world1/level0 --level default-level
java -jar baba.jar --levels world1
You, as the player, can only control entities that have the property YOU.
You can move them with the arrow keys.
For further information on the rules, check the Wiki