Got to the Surveys folder above.
Currently, the Harvard Personal Genome Project website provides a CSV export of the public results for each survey. While these CSVs have headers, the list of possible answers is not available.
As a temporary quickfix, I printed out to PDF the 13 surveys with publicly available results, as a temporary dump of both the survey questions and answer choices. Google Forms has a nice (css? javascript?) ctrl-p function. When you hit "ctrl-p" on the editable version of the form, it prints out a form you could fill out by hand (with all the options expanded).
For the "Participant Survey", which involved extensive dropdown menus (year and country), I printed out two version: one with all the choies (printed from the "editable" page) and one as the participant sees it, with the dropdown minimized (printed from the "submit" page).
I have included a CSV export of the responses as well (the filenames include a timestamp). For the most up-to-date dump of responses, see:
To make it easy to cross-reference the survey questions and the survey responses, I prefixed each file with the "PGP HMS Google Survey" number. These indices can also be found in the URL in the table below. For instance, Blood is marked with [08]
- Add these survey questions directly to the Tapestry website (, alongside the responses which are already available on there.
- Write a google script to allow import and export in something easy to parse (for instance, markdown).
Total Number of Surveys: 13
URL # | Name | Public Link | Responses (2015-07-21 22:15:12 UTC) | Participants (2015-07-21 22:15:12 UTC) |
1 | PGP Participant Survey | | 3302 | 2689 |
6 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers | | 1819 | 1667 |
7 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, metabolic, nutritional, and immune | | 1763 | 1616 |
9 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood | | 1696 | 1581 |
9 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous system | | 1663 | 1553 |
10 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Vision and hearing | | 1717 | 1625 |
11 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Circulatory system | | 1614 | 1517 |
12 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Respiratory system | | 1573 | 1502 |
13 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Digestive system | | 1596 | 1514 |
14 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Genitourinary systems | | 1581 | 1497 |
15 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and subcutaneous tissue | | 1630 | 1540 |
16 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue | | 1628 | 1513 |
17 | PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Congenital traits and anomalies | | 1693 | 1568 |
Nancy Ouyang ([email protected])
July 21, 2015.
C0 1.0 Universal
Thanks to, which I used to create tables in markdown (copy-pasting out of google docs).