Install RVM:
$ curl -L | bash -s stable
Install Jruby:
$ rvm install jruby
Use Jruby:
$ rvm use jruby
Install the bootstrapping gem:
$ gem install bundler
Install the rest:
$ bundle install
Install the Java libraries
$ mvn package
$ rails server
To use a development version of a library, you need to do the following before running rails server:
$ rm lib/name-of-library.jar $ export CLASSPATH='lib/*' $ ln -s /path/to/library/target/classes/* .
Yes, you really have to put the library into the root directory of cebu-rails. I’m not really sure why.
Remote debugging:
You’ll need to have openplans-tracking-tools set up in Eclipse as a maven project.
$ jruby -J-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -J-Xdebug script/rails server
The server will wait for a debugger to connect.
Then, in eclipse, Run > Debug Configurations > Remote Java Application Click “new”. Select openplans-tracking-tools as the project. Click “Debug”. Now you can place breakpoints and do all the usual things.