Object-based Unity UI (uGUI) monkey testing and API for custom implementation.
This library can be used in runtime code because it does NOT depend on the Unity Test Framework.
Required Unity 2019 LTS or later.
Runs monkey tests for uGUI (2D, 3D, and UI) elements.
method operates on randomly selected objects. It does not use screen points.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TestHelper.Monkey;
public class MyIntegrationTest
public async Task MonkeyTesting()
var config = new MonkeyConfig
Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2),
DelayMillis = 200,
SecondsToErrorForNoInteractiveComponent = 5,
await Monkey.Run(config);
Configurations in MonkeyConfig
- Lifetime: Running time
- DelayMillis: Delay time between operations
- SecondsToErrorForNoInteractiveComponent: Seconds after which a
is thrown if no interactive component is found; default is 5 seconds - BufferLengthForDetectLooping: An
is thrown if a repeating operation is detected within the specified buffer length; default length is 10 - Random: Pseudo-random number generator
- Logger: Logger
- Verbose: Output verbose log if true
- Gizmos: Show Gizmos on
during running monkey test if true - Screenshots: Take screenshots during running the monkey test if set a
instance.- Directory: Directory to save screenshots. If omitted, the directory specified by command line argument "-testHelperScreenshotDirectory" is used. If the command line argument is also omitted,
+ "/TestHelper/Screenshots/" is used. - FilenameStrategy: Strategy for file paths of screenshot images. Default is test case name and four digit sequential number.
- SuperSize: The factor to increase resolution with. Default is 1.
- StereoCaptureMode: The eye texture to capture when stereo rendering is enabled. Default is
- Directory: Directory to save screenshots. If omitted, the directory specified by command line argument "-testHelperScreenshotDirectory" is used. If the command line argument is also omitted,
- IsInteractable: Function returns whether the
is interactable or not. The default implementation returns true if the component is a uGUI compatible component and itsinteractable
property is true. - IgnoreStrategy: Strategy to examine whether
should be ignored. The default implementation returns true if theGameObject
attached. - ReachableStrategy: Strategy to examine whether
is reachable from the user. The default implementation returns true if it can raycast fromCamera.main
to the pivot position. - Operators: A collection of
that the monkey invokes. the default isClickOperator
, andTextInputOperator
. There is support for standard uGUI components.
Class diagram for default strategies:
class MonkeyConfig {
+Func<Component, bool> IsInteractable
+IIgnoreStrategy IgnoreStrategy
+IReachableStrategy ReachableStrategy
+IOperator[] Operators
MonkeyConfig --> DefaultComponentInteractableStrategy
class DefaultComponentInteractableStrategy {
+IsInteractable(Component) bool$
MonkeyConfig --> IIgnoreStrategy
IIgnoreStrategy <|-- DefaultIgnoreStrategy
class IIgnoreStrategy {
+IsIgnored(GameObject, ILogger) bool*
MonkeyConfig --> IReachableStrategy
IReachableStrategy <|-- DefaultReachableStrategy
DefaultReachableStrategy --> DefaultScreenPointStrategy
DefaultScreenPointStrategy --> DefaultTransformPositionStrategy
class IReachableStrategy {
+IsReachable(GameObject, out RaycastResult, ILogger) bool*
class DefaultReachableStrategy {
+DefaultReachableStrategy(Func<GameObject, Vector2>, ILogger)
+IsReachable(GameObject, out RaycastResult, ILogger) bool
class DefaultScreenPointStrategy {
+GetScreenPoint(GameObject) Vector2$
class DefaultTransformPositionStrategy {
+GetScreenPoint(GameObjct) Vector2$
+GetScreenPointByWorldPosition(GameObject, Vector3) Vector2$
MonkeyConfig --> "*" IOperator
class IOperator {
+CanOperate(GameObject) bool*
+OperateAsync(GameObject, RaycastResult, ILogger, ScreenshotOptions, CancellationToken) UniTask*
IOperator <|-- IClickOperator
IClickOperator <|-- UGUIClickOperator
IOperator <|-- IClickAndHoldOperator
IClickAndHoldOperator <|-- UGUIClickAndHoldOperator
IOperator <|-- ITextInputOperator
ITextInputOperator <|-- UGUITextInputOperator
You can control the Monkey's behavior by attaching the annotation components to the GameObject
Use the TestHelper.Monkey.Annotations
assembly by adding it to the Assembly Definition References.
Please note that this will be included in the release build due to the way it works.
Even if the annotations assembly is removed from the release build, the link to the annotation component will remain Scenes and Prefabs in the asset bundle built. Therefore, a warning log will be output during instantiate. To avoid this, annotations assembly are included in release builds.
Monkey will not operate objects with IgnoreAnnotation
Specify the character kind and length input into InputField
with InputFieldAnnotation
Specify the screen position offset where Monkey operators operate.
Respects CanvasScaler
but does not calculate the aspect ratio.
Specify the screen position where Monkey operators operate.
Respects CanvasScaler
but does not calculate the aspect ratio.
Specify the world position offset where Monkey operators operate.
Specify the world position where Monkey operators operate.
is a class that finds GameObject
by name or path (can specify glob pattern).
Constructor arguments:
- timeoutSeconds: Timeout seconds for find methods. The default is 1 second.
- reachableStrategy: Strategy to examine whether
is reachable from the user. The default implementation returns true if it can raycast fromCamera.main
to the pivot position. - isComponentInteractable: Function returns whether the
is interactable or not. The default implementation returns true if the component is a uGUI compatible component and itsinteractable
property is true.
Find a GameObject
by name; if not found, poll until a timeout.
If the timeout, a TimeOutException
is thrown.
- name: Find
name - reachable: Find only reachable object. Default is true
- interactable: Find only interactable object. Default is false
using NUnit.Framework;
using TestHelper.Monkey;
public class MyIntegrationTest
public async Task MyTestMethod()
var finder = new GameObjectFinder();
var result = await finder.FindByNameAsync("ConfirmDialog", reachable: true, interactable: false);
var dialog = result.GameObject;
Find a GameObject
by path; if not found, poll until a timeout.
If the timeout, a TimeOutException
is thrown.
- path: Find
hierarchy path separated by/
. Can specify glob pattern - reachable: Find only reachable object. Default is true
- interactable: Find only interactable object. Default is false
using NUnit.Framework;
using TestHelper.Monkey;
public class MyIntegrationTest
public async Task MyTestMethod()
var finder = new GameObjectFinder(5d); // 5 seconds timeout
var result = await finder.FindByPathAsync("/**/Confirm/**/Cancel", reachable: true, interactable: true);
var cancelButton = result.GameObject;
and SelectOperators<T>
are extensions of GameObject
that return available operators.
Operators implement the IOperator
interface. It has an OperateAsync
method that operates on the component.
using NUnit.Framework;
using TestHelper.Monkey;
public class MyIntegrationTest
public async Task ClickStartButton()
var finder = new GameObjectFinder();
var result = await finder.FindByNameAsync("StartButton", interactable: true);
var button = result.GameObject;
var clickOperator = button.SelectOperators<IClickOperator>(_operators).First();
await clickOperator.OperateAsync(button, result.RaycastResult);
is a class that collects interactable components on the scene.
Constructor arguments:
- isInteractable: Function returns whether the
is interactable or not. The default implementation returns true if the component is a uGUI compatible component and itsinteractable
property is true. - operators: A collection of
used in theFindInteractableComponentsAndOperators
method. The default is empty.
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TestHelper.Monkey;
public class MyIntegrationTest
public void MyTestMethod()
var finder = new InteractableComponentsFinder();
var components = finder.FindInteractableComponents();
Select any GameObject
in the Hierarchy window and right-click to open the context menu, then select Copy to Clipboard > Hierarchy Path.
Select any GameObject
in the Hierarchy window and right-click to open the context menu, then select Copy to Clipboard > Instance ID.
If your game title uses a custom UI framework that is not uGUI compatible and/or requires special operating, you can customize the monkey's behavior using the following:
Returns whether the Component
is interactable or not.
returns true if the component is a uGUI compatible component and its interactable
property is true.
You should replace this when you want to control special components that comprise your game title.
method returns whether the GameObject
is ignored or not.
returns true if the GameObject
has IgnoreAnnotation
You should replace this when you want to ignore specific objects (e.g., by name and/or path) in your game title.
method returns whether the GameObject
is reachable from the user or not.
returns true if it can raycast from Camera.main
to the pivot position.
You should replace this when you want to customize the raycast point (e.g., randomize position, specify camera).
Operators are a collection of IOperator
that the monkey invokes.
You should replace this when you want to operate special components that comprise your game title (e.g., custom UI component, special click position).
A sub-interface of the IOperator
(e.g., IClickOperator
) must be implemented to represent the type of operator.
An operator must implement the CanOperate
method to determine whether an operation such as click is possible and the OperateAsync
method to execute the operation.
Until test-helper.monkey v0.14.0, it took screenshots and output logs in the caller. However, this has been changed to OperateAsync
If thrown TimeoutException
with the following message:
Interactive component not found in 5 seconds
This indicates that no GameObject
with an interactable component appeared in the scene within specified seconds.
determined to be Ignored will be excluded, even if they are interactable.
that are not reachable by the user are excluded, even if they are interactable.
More details can be output using the verbose option (MonkeyConfig.Verbose
The waiting seconds can be specified in the MonkeyConfig.SecondsToErrorForNoInteractiveComponent
If you want to disable this feature, specify 0
If thrown InfiniteLoopException
with the following message:
Found loop in the operation sequence: [44030, 43938, 44010, 44030, 43938, 44010, 44030, 43938, 44010, 44030]
This indicates that a repeating operation is detected within the specified buffer length.
The pattern [44030, 43938, 44010]
is looped in the above message.
Numbers are the instance ID of the operated GameObject
The detectable repeating pattern max length is half the buffer length.
The buffer length can be specified in the MonkeyConfig.BufferLengthForDetectLooping
If you want to disable this feature, specify 0
UGUIClickOperator operates to StartButton(-12345), screenshot=UGUIMonkeyAgent01_0001.png
This log message is output just before the operator UGUIClickOperator
operates on the GameObject
named StartButton
"UGUIMonkeyAgent01_0001.png" is the screenshot file name taken just before the operation.
Screenshots are taken when the MonkeyConfig.Screenshots
is set.
You can output details logs when the MonkeyConfig.Verbose
is true.
Lottery entries: [
Each entry format is GameObject
name (instance ID) : Component
type : Operator
This log message shows the lottery entries that the monkey can operate.
Entries are made by the IsInteractable
and Operator.CanOperate
and IsReachable
are not used at this time.
If there are zero entries, the following message is output:
No lottery entries.
If the lotteries GameObject
is ignored, the following message will be output and lottery again.
Ignored QuitButton(30388).
If the lotteries GameObject
is not reachable by the user, the following messages will be output and lottery again.
Not reachable to CloseButton(-2278), position=(515,-32). Raycast is not hit.
Not reachable to BehindButton(-2324), position=(320,240). Raycast hit other objects: [BlockScreen, FrontButton]
The former output is when the object is off-screen, and the latter is when other objects hide the pivot position.
The position to send the raycast can be arranged using annotation components such as ScreenOffsetAnnotation
If all lotteries GameObject
are not operable, the following message is displayed.
If this condition persists, a TimeoutException
will be thrown.
Lottery entries are empty or all of not reachable.
If no GameObject
is found with the specified name or path, throw TimeoutException
with the following message:
GameObject `Target` is not found.
If GameObject
is found with the specified name but does not match path, throw TimeoutException
with the following message:
GameObject `Target` is found, but it does not match path `Path/To/Target`.
If GameObject
is found with the specified name or path but not reachable, throw TimeoutException
with the following message:
GameObject `Target` is found, but not reachable.
If you need detailed logs, pass an ILogger
instance to the constructor of GameObjectFinder
If GameObject
is found with the specified name or path but not interactable, throw TimeoutException
with the following message:
GameObject `Target` is found, but not interactable.
in this package's assembly definition files, so it is generally excluded from player builds.
To use the feature in player builds, add COM_NOWSPRINTING_TEST_HELPER_ENABLE
to the scripting symbols at build time.
How to set custom scripting symbols, see below:
Manual: Custom scripting symbols
You can choose from two typical installation methods.
- Open the Package Manager tab in Project Settings window (Editor > Project Settings)
- Click + button under the Scoped Registries and enter the following settings (figure 1.):
- Name:
- URL:
- Scope(s):
- Name:
- Open the Package Manager window (Window > Package Manager) and select My Registries in registries drop-down list (figure 2.)
- Click Install button on the
Do not forget to add com.cysharp
into scopes. These are used within this package.
Figure 1. Package Manager tab in Project Settings window.
Figure 2. Select registries drop-down list in Package Manager window.
If you installed openupm-cli, run the command below:
openupm add com.nowsprinting.test-helper.monkey
- Open your test assembly definition file (.asmdef) in Inspector window
- Add TestHelper.Monkey into Assembly Definition References
MIT License
Open an issue or create a pull request.
Be grateful if you could label the PR as enhancement
, bug
, chore
, and documentation
See PR Labeler settings for automatically labeling from the branch name.
Add this repository as a submodule to the Packages/ directory in your project.
git submodule add [email protected]:nowsprinting/test-helper.monkey.git Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper.monkey
Required installation packages for running tests (when embedded package or adding to the testables
in manifest.json), as follows:
- Unity Test Framework package v1.3.4 or later
- TextMesh Pro package or Unity UI package v2.0.0 or later
Generate a temporary project and run tests on each Unity version from the command line.
make create_project
UNITY_VERSION=2019.4.40f1 make -k test
You must select "Input Manager (Old)" or "Both" in the Project Settings > Player > Active Input Handling for running tests.
The release process is as follows:
- Run Actions > Create release pull request > Run workflow
- Merge created pull request
Then, will do the release process automatically by Release workflow. After tagging, OpenUPM retrieves the tag and updates it.
Do NOT manually operation the following operations:
- Create a release tag
- Publish draft releases
You must modify the package name to publish a forked package.
If you want to specify the version number to be released, change the version number of the draft release before running the "Create release pull request" workflow.