##Project N
To run this project click on index.html and open it in your browser. The index.html file is inside the src folder. Double click and the webpage will open.
- Created a new repository on GitHub named "ProjectN."
- Established the following folder structure:
- "src" for source code.
- "docs" for documentation.
- "tests" for testing-related files.
- Created a new branch named "feature/add-homepage."
- Developed a one-page website in HTML/CSS within the "src" folder.
- Ensured the website includes sections like a header, about, services and contact.
- Committed these changes with clear and descriptive commit messages.
- Invited another student to collaborate on the repository.
- Instructed the other student to create a branch named "feature/add-about-page," make changes related to an about page, and create a pull request to merge it into the main branch.
- Reviewed the pull request, provided constructive comments, and suggestions for improvement.
- Merged the "feature/add-about-page" branch into the main branch of saahil vekariya. Recived the same on my own.
- Created a deliberate conflict between the main branch and the "feature/add-homepage" branch by modifying the same line in a file. (it was the childhood therapies line for this project)
- Resolved this conflict, reviewed and committed the changes.
- Simulated a bug by intentionally introducing an error in the code in one of the branches.
- Created a "fix-bug" branch to fix the bug and then merged it.
- Used Git bisect command to identify the commit using its hash code.
- Rectified the bug by fixing the code in a new commit.