Golang library for storing unique data in Cassandra database, by maintaining checksums of the objects that are stored. It uses LWT to maintain consistency across all data.
type UniqueStore interface {
// Create unique object and store it in cassandra
// In case of the object data is already persisted with other object
// the function returns the `duplicateId` of the object along with err = `ErrDuplicateObject`
Create(id string, data []byte) (duplicateId *string, err error)
// Get returns the object data
// In case the object is not found - then err = `ErrNotFound` and the data will be `nil`
Get(id string) (data []byte, err error)
// CreateSchema creates the tables if they do not exist in the default cluster keyspace
// If `force` flag is set to true, then the table will be first droped if it exists
CreateSchema(force bool) error
// Delete removes the data from the db
// In case the object is not found - then err = `ErrNotFound` and the data will be `nil`
// In any other case the original error will be propagated
Delete(id string) (err error)
For more details see the blog post
Import the module:
go get github.com/npenkov/cus
Initialize the storage with cassandra session
cluster := gocql.NewCluster(hostAndPort)
cluster.Keyspace = "cus"
cluster.Timeout = time.Millisecond * 2000
cluster.DisableInitialHostLookup = true
session, err := cluster.CreateSession()
store = cus.NewCassadnraUniqueStore(session)
myKey := "my-store-key"
data := []byte{0x64, 0x65, 0x66}
dupId, err := store.Create(myKey, data)
if err != nil || dupId != nil {
if err == store.ErrDuplicateObject {
fmt.Printf("The data stored is duplicate with id : %s", *dupId)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Failed to fetch data : %v", err)
fetchedData, err := store.Get("55")
if err != nil || fetchedData == nil {
if err == store.ErrNotFound {
fmt.Printf("No record found for id 55")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error fetching data from database : %v", err)