Cassandra command line shell written in Golang
Having a cassandra command line shell utility in one binary distributable.
- Building docker images for cassandra from Alpine with no Python.
- Running cql shell on all platforms.
- Automating cassandra schema creation without need to install python dependencies.
go build -o gocqlsh src/
- Running DDL script files from command line
- Support for Cassandra 2.1+/ScyllaDB
- CQL Support
- Statement tracing
command withkeyspaces
- simple listtables
- simple listtable
- simple list of columns and types
- Auto completition for commands:
- keyspacesdesc
- tablesselect
- tablesupdate
- tables and columnsdelete
- tablesinsert
- tables
- Paging in interactive results
- DDL Statements when describing Keyspaces and tables
- Expanded rows
- Code assistance for different keyspaces
- Node token awareness
gcqlsh -h
Usage of gcqlsh:
-f string
Execute file containing cql statements instead of having interacive session
Stop execution if statement from file fails.
-host string
Cassandra host to connect to (default "")
-k string
Default keyspace to connect to (default "system")
Console without colors
-password string
Password used for the connection
-port int
Cassandra RPC port (default 9042)
Print 'ok' on successfuly executed cql statement from the file
Print Statements that are executed from a file
-username string
Username used for the connection
-v Version information
for table- Column code assistance for
Written with vim-go
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Nick Penkov. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.