GuiEnhancerKit Public
Elevate your AHK Gui development with extended methods and properties.
ClipboardHistory Public
An AutoHotkey v2 class for managing Windows Clipboard History with integration to WinRT API.
SystemThemeAwareToolTip Public
Make your ToolTip style conform to the current system theme (dark/ light mode, rounded corners on Win 11). 使您的 ToolTip 樣式與目前系統主題相匹配 (深/淺色模式、Windows 11 的視窗圓角)。 Направите да стил вашег ToolTip-а буде…
DarkMsgBox Public
Apply dark theme to your built-in MsgBox and InputBox.
DarkThemeListView Public
An AutoHotkey script that applies a dark theme to the ListView control. This script is compatible with AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 or later.
AHK-v2-script-converter Public
Forked from mmikeww/AHK-v2-script-converterAHK v1 -> v2 script converter WORK IN PROGRESS
Dark_WindowSpy Public
Dark Mode Window Spy for AutoHotkey v2.
ColorButton.ahk Public
Customise a button's background, text and border color. 為內建 Gui.Button 類別擴充一個變更按鈕背景、文字及邊框顏色的方法。
WAPI Public
Collection of WinAPI functions. (Includes: User32/ Kernel32/ Shell32/ Shlwapi/ UxTheme)
ToolTipEx Public
Enable the ToolTip to track the mouse cursor smoothly and permit the ToolTip to be moved by dragging.
MouseHook Public
The MouseHook library is an advanced tool for AutoHotkey, designed to facilitate the monitoring and handling of mouse events in a customizable and efficient manner. Perfect for scripting and automa…
ahkv2_definition_rewrite Public
Forked from GroggyOtter/ahkv2_definition_rewriteFull update of the definition file for THQBY's AHKv2 support addon.
KeyboardLayout.ahk Public
Switching between all the installed keyboard layouts. 自由切換輸入法語言
OD_Colors.ahk Public
Forked from The-CoDingman/OD_Colors.ahkCustom Class that allows for recoloring of DropdownLists, ComboBoxes, and ListBoxes in AHK v2
AHK-v2-libraries Public
Forked from Descolada/AHK-v2-librariesUseful libraries for AHK v2
UIA-v2 Public
Forked from Descolada/UIA-v2UIAutomation library for AHK v2, based on thqby's UIA library
SelectFile Public
List the files in a specified folder and return the path of the file chosen by the user.
Text-Grab Public
Forked from TheJoeFin/Text-GrabUse OCR in Windows quickly and easily with Text Grab. With optional background process and popups.
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2023