Interactive object project for OCAD Digital Futures 2018 by Maria Yala, Nick Alexander, and Carisa Antariksa
Emojiball is a game where you must manage the mood of three balls in order to score points. The game encourages players to use tactics that usually don't come into play in game spaces - such as manipulating the room's brightness, shouting, and even cuddling the game pieces.
The game is played with at least three players, with one goal per player. A happy (green) ball that enters a player's goal scores the thrower one point. An angry (red) ball that enters a player's goal means the player who owns that goal has lost a point.
The file emojiballMoodEmo.ino is the finished code for the final EmojiBall. Other files are testing grounds for various features.
Circuit diagrams for the ball components can be found here
Uses code from the following libraries:
- pitches.h
- Wire.h
- Adafruit_Sensor.h
- Adafruit_BNO055.h
Melody Code provided from code by Tom Igoe
Orientation Sensor code provided by Adafruit
Crucial guidance, suggestions, and coding insights provided by Kate Hartman and Nick Puckett
Special thanks to Omid Ettehadi for invaluable engineering advice