Simple Android app that shows your call log.
This app will refresh your call log list without the need of any user input.
This project was built using Android Studio, Gradle and Kotlin. They all should seamlessly work together, so it should be as easy as cloning the project, and importing it into Android Studio.
From a high level the app is a single activity and single fragment app. The fragment could be removed to be just one activity, but fragments are a good default.
The fragment's holds a view model of the CallLog (a list of call log entries) and a view adapter. The fragment's main responsibility is managing the interaction from the view model and the adapter. The fragment starts a subscription to the changes of the view model's live data and when it changes it will let the adapter know what new data it's gotten. The fragment is also in charge of requesting permissions if the view model tells it that it failed to get the logs, and telling the view model if the permissions were granted.
The view adapter will get new data from the fragment and properly update the view for the user with any new data. It is the adapter's responsibility to transform the internal representation of a call log entry, into its displayable forms (i.e., putting the data in its view's text field).
The view model is intentionally simple, it exposes a non-mutable LiveData which is backed by a mutable live data. It also tells the live data when the fragment has informed it of a permission grant.
The live data is where most of the work lies. The live data holds a sealed class of either a successful CallLog or an error. This will inform any subscribers (the fragment) if it failed to get the call log data due to permissions being not granted. For the rest of this explanation we will assume permissions are granted since that is the most interesting case. Whenever the live data becomes active (it has an active subscriber) it will immediately trigger a coroutine to load the call logs, and inform any subscribers (the fragment) of the change. Without waiting for the coroutine to finish, it will start listening to any changes in the call log content URI. When changes occur it will again re-trigger a load of the data in a coroutine which will inform the subscribers of any changes to the call log. Whenever the view model goes inactive (no active subscribers), we cancel any current load coroutine jobs, and unsubscribe from the call log content.
The actual loading of data is fairly uninteresting, it queries the Content URI, grabs the first 50 rows, and parses them into a data class.
This project uses RecyclerView
over a simple ListView
since it forces better patterns that
wil lead to better UI performance.
I used DiffUtil as a simple way to tell a RecyclerView
what rows got moved/updated.
Whenever a new call is logged I didn't want the RecyclerView
to have to re-render and update
all the rows, instead I wanted it to simply know the difference between the new and the old list
and properly only create those new rows, and push the rest down.
I chose Mockk
as my mocking framework since it is built with Kotlin in mind, rather than the more
popular Mockito
which was built more around Java. They both would fit my purposes, but I wanted
to use a library that fit the chosen language better.
A standard Kotlin linter because I didn't want to bikeshed with myself over style.
Test, Test, Test
While there are some unit tests to verify that data is parsed correctly from the contentResolver there aren't any tests to verify that the parsed data is then used/shown correctly. There is also no tests to verify the LiveData/ViewModel/Fragment interactions.
This app is seriously lacking at least one full happy path UI test, or at least a robolectric test.
Pull in a DI
In the past I have used Koin so I would probably pull that in were this app get any bigger. This should also help testing as I can DI mocks easier.
Investigate a better way to scope coroutines, and cancel them when updated.
has to manually cancel the co-routine whenever a change happens to prevent an out of sync update. Ideally this would be handled by the framework...somehow? My concern is that this might not be super intuitive and create a bug when it eventually gets refactored/moved around. Similarly,CallLogLiveData
also has to cancel this job when it goes inactive.
How should the app display a call log without a number (i.e., the number is private)?
Currently it just shows no number. Alternatively we could say "PRIVATE".