Tags: nsf/gocode
Toggle v.20170907's commit message
Fix bug with type inference when shortcut return type syntax is used.
Fixes #469 .
Toggle v.20150303's commit message
Fix panic on input parsing failure. Ugly hack. Fixes #272 .
Toggle go.weekly.2012-03-13's commit message
Add command list to the output when running with -h flag.
Toggle go.weekly.2012-03-04's commit message
Update due to changes in Go weekly.2012-03-04.
Toggle go.weekly.2012-02-22's commit message
Merge branch 'for-nsf' of git://github.com/DanielMorsing/gocode
Toggle go.weekly.2012-02-14's commit message
Add ")" only if the type is a function.
Toggle go.weekly.2012-02-07's commit message
Additional go tool compatibility patches. Fixes #70 .
Toggle go.weekly.2012-01-27's commit message
Update due to changes in Go weekly.2012-01-27.
Toggle go.weekly.2012-01-20's commit message
Update due to changes in Go weekly.2012-01-20.
Toggle go.weekly.2012-01-15's commit message
Update due to changes in Go weekly.2012-01-15.
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