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Install npm

  1. Run
    sudo apt install npm
  2. Go to folder /netmesh_rfc6349_app/static
  3. Run
    npm install
  4. Go back to the project folder (i.e. /var/git/netmesh-rfc6349-client)

Use Python virtual environment

  1. Create the virtual environment folder (.venv) in the root of this project folder
    python3 -m venv .venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment
    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install requirements
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run via browser (for development)

  1. Install requirements
    sudo apt install jq iperf3 adb nmap python3-pip python3-tk libxcb-xinerama0
  2. Open a terminal, and make sure you are in the project folder (i.e. /var/git/netmesh-rfc6349-client)
  3. Run:
    sudo python3
    To run on desktop:
    sudo python3 -d
  4. Go to the link in the output of the above command (usually

Create installer for Ubuntu 20.04 desktop (for release/production)

  1. Install tkinter
    sudo apt install python3-tk
  2. Open a terminal, and make sure you are in the project folder (i.e. /var/git/netmesh-rfc6349-client)
  3. Run:
    sudo python3 [-v VERSION_NUMBER]
    # -v is optional. The default value is the current branch name
  4. After running the command above, go to ./dist folder to find the deb package installer