Package for Statistically Significant Language Change.
- Free software: BSD license
- Documentation:
This package provides tools to detect linguistic change in temporal corpora.
The meta algorithm works in 2 main steps
- Time series construction:Given a word, we construct a time series that tracks the displacement of a word through time. We track the displacement of a word using either Frequency, Part of Speech Distribution or Co-occurrences.
- Change point detection: We then use change point detection methods to detect if the time series contains a change point and if so what the change point is.
The details of the above steps are outlined in :
Please see this for a cool visualization of words moving through time:
We assume a temporal corpus of text files (appropriately tokenized) to be present in a directory. In addition we assume list of words in a single text file that one is interested in tracking. This could just be the set of words in the common vocabulary of the temporal corpus.
The output consists of the pvalues for each word indicating the significance of the changepoint detected.
$ --corpus-dir data/temporal_corpus/ --file-extension "ngrams" --working-dir ./working --output-dir ./output --context-size 5 --epochs 3 --start-time-point 1900 --end-time-point 2000 --step-size 5 --vocabulary-file data/temporal_corpus/common_vocab.txt --workers 16
$ --corpus-dir data/temporal_corpus/ --file-extension "ngrams" --working-dir ./working --output-dir ./output --start-time-point 1900 --end-time-point 1930 --step-size 5 --vocabulary-file data/temporal_corpus/common_vocab.txt --workers 16
$ --corpus-dir data/temporal_corpus/ --file-extension "ngrams" --working-dir ./working --output-dir ./output --start-time-point 1900 --end-time-point 2000 --step-size 5 --vocabulary-file data/temporal_corpus/common_vocab.txt --workers 16
You might need to tune the hyper parameters as per your specific need.
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit --corpus-dir CORPUS_DIR Corpus directory --file-extension EXT Corpus file extension --working-dir WORKING_DIR Working directory --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory --context-size WINDOW Context size to use for training embeddings --epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs to training embeddings --start-time-point START Start time point --end-time-point END End time point --step-size STEP Step size for timepoints --model-family MODEL_FAMILY Model family default (locallinear) --number-nearest-neighbors KNN Number of nearest neighbors to use for mapping to joint space (default:1000)
--vocabulary-file VOCAB_FILE
Common vocabulary file
--threshold THRESHOLD Threshold for mean shift model for change point detection (default: 1.75) --bootstrap-samples BOOTSTRAP Number of bootstrap samples to draw (default: 1000) --workers WORKERS Maximum number of workers (default: 1) -l LOG, --log LOG log verbosity level
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit --corpus-dir CORPUS_DIR Corpus directory --file-extension EXT Corpus file extension --working-dir WORKING_DIR Working directory --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory --start-time-point START Start time point --end-time-point END End time point --step-size STEP Step size for timepoints --vocabulary-file VOCAB_FILE Common vocabulary file --threshold THRESHOLD Threshold for mean shift model for change point detection --bootstrap-samples BOOTSTRAP Number of bootstrap samples to draw --workers WORKERS Maximum number of workers -l LOG, --log LOG log verbosity level usage:
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit --corpus-dir CORPUS_DIR Corpus directory --file-extension EXT Corpus file extension --working-dir WORKING_DIR Working directory --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory --start-time-point START Start time point --end-time-point END End time point --step-size STEP Step size for timepoints --vocabulary-file VOCAB_FILE Common vocabulary file --threshold THRESHOLD Threshold for mean shift model for change point detection --bootstrap-samples BOOTSTRAP Number of bootstrap samples to draw --workers WORKERS Maximum number of workers -l LOG, --log LOG log verbosity level
- wheel==0.23.0
- argparse>=1.2.1
- numpy>=0.9.1
- scipy>=0.15.1
- more_itertools>=2.2
- joblib>=0.8.3-r1
- gensim==0.10.3
- statsmodels>=0.5.0
- changepoint>=0.1.0
- nltk>=3.0.0
- textblob>=0.9.0
- textblob-aptagger>=0.2.0
- psutil>=2.2.0
- GNU Parallel
- R (good to have)
- rpy2 (good to have)
- Install GNU Parallel from here:
- cd langchangetrack
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python install