pip install drf-magic-links
Add URL patterns
# urls.py
from django.urls import path
urlpatterns = [
path('/api/', include('magic_links.urls.api')),
Override settings as needed
# settings.py
# URLS for creating links, dict key corresponds to `source` when requesting link
'default': 'http://localhost:8000/auth/',
'ios': 'myapp://login/',
# Amount of time that tokens last, in seconds
# Registers previously unseen aliases as new users.
# The user's email field name
# The email the callback token is sent from
'MAGIC_LINKS_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS': '[email protected]',
# The email subject
# A plaintext email message overridden by the html message. Takes one string.
'MAGIC_LINKS_EMAIL_PLAINTEXT_MESSAGE': "Follow this link to sign in: {link}",
# The email template name.
'MAGIC_LINKS_EMAIL_HTML_TEMPLATE_NAME': 'magic_link_email.html',
# Context Processors for Email Template
curl -X POST -d “[email protected]&source=ios” localhost:8000/api/auth/email/
The user [email protected] receives an email
Follow this link to sign in: myapp://login/?token=$2b$12$Pc9ugN5DwsC3jNYwpfG.XOxUuwybmJu1HTvfpPCyGk/I3BkFLZDsq&[email protected]
At this point, the client can use the supplied token to request a DRF auth token
curl -X POST -d “[email protected]&token=$2b$12$Pc9ugN5DwsC3jNYwpfG.XOxUuwybmJu1HTvfpPCyGk/I3BkFLZDsq” localhost:8000/api/auth/token/
"token": "3d247ac9a67630932bb6b5e08cb24c0c7760f37a"