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lumos: scalable optimal control for dynamical systems

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Optimal Control Example | Quickstart | Environment setup

What is lumos?

lumos is a scalable numerical framework for the modelling and simulation of dynamical systems. Currently lumos focus on optimal control problems only, but the ideas it implements can be easily extended to other problems such as parameter inferences and state estimations.

One of the core philosophies of lumos is to leverage some fundamental technologies that enables the deep learning revolution: namely automatic differnetiation and large scale parallelization using accelerated hardware (GPU, TPU, etc).

lumos adopts a numpy-like syntax to write models, and currently has two built-in backends: JAX and Casadi. In addition to the built-in backends, lumos is also extensible and can solve optimal control problems with user-defined custom model bakends, provided that a few necessary APIs are exposed.

Optimal Control Example

import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Dict

import lumos.numpy as lnp
from lumos.models.base import StateSpaceModel, StateSpaceModelReturn, state_space_io
from lumos.optimal_control.config import (
from lumos.optimal_control.scaled_mesh_ocp import ScaledMeshOCP

# Create a model
@state_space_io(states=("v", "x", "y"), inputs=("theta",), outputs=("theta",))
class TimeModel(StateSpaceModel):
    """The Brachistochrone model formulatd in the time domain"""

    def __init__(
        self, model_config: Dict[str, Any] = {}, params: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        super().__init__(model_config=model_config, params=params)

    def forward(
        states: Dict[str, float],
        inputs: Dict[str, float],
        mesh: float = 0.0,  # time invariant model
    ) -> StateSpaceModelReturn:
        params = self._params
        theta = inputs["theta"]
        v = states["v"]
        v_dot = -params["gravity"] * lnp.sin(theta)

        dx_dt = lnp.cos(theta) * v
        dy_dt = lnp.sin(theta) * v

        # Assemble result
        states_dot = self.make_dict(group="states_dot", v=v_dot, x=dx_dt, y=dy_dt,)
        outputs = self.make_dict(group="outputs", theta=theta)
        return StateSpaceModelReturn(states_dot=states_dot, outputs=outputs)

    def get_default_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {"gravity": 9.81}

# Set up the model and the problem
model = TimeModel()
sim_config = ScaledMeshOCP.get_sim_config(
        BoundaryConditionConfig(0, "states", "x", 0.0),
        BoundaryConditionConfig(0, "states", "y", 0.0),
        BoundaryConditionConfig(0, "states", "v", 0.0),
        BoundaryConditionConfig(-1, "states", "x", 1.0),
        BoundaryConditionConfig(-1, "states", "y", -0.6),
        BoundConfig("global", "mesh_scale", (0.01, 10.0)),
        BoundConfig("inputs", "theta", (-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2)),
ocp = ScaledMeshOCP(model=model, sim_config=sim_config)

# Solve with a trivial initial guess
solution, info = ocp.solve(
    init_guess=np.zeros(ocp.num_dec), max_iter=200, print_level=4,
print(f"maneuveur time: {ocp.objective(solution):.3f} seconds")


Quickstart: Colab in the Cloud

Environment setup

lumos It is recommened to develop with lumos via two ways: using conda or using docker environment, with the latter preferred, especially for developers as.

At the moment, lumos is tested and supports Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.

Setting up with conda

  1. setting up the dependencies
conda create -n lumos python=3.9
conda env update -n lumos -f environment.yml
conda activate lumos
  1. Install lumos from test.pypi (temporarily)
pip install -i numagic-lumos==0.0.5a0
  1. Alternatively, install lumos from source
python3 -m pip install .
  1. Test if it works
python3 examples/

Setting up with docker

  1. you can directy build the local dev container with:
docker-compose build --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g)
  1. After the docker container is build, start it with
docker-compose up -d

The container should now be running in the background.

  1. [Optional] download and install VSCode, and then install the 'remote containers' extension.

  2. once VSCode with the extensions are installed, open VSCode, and open the folder where the repo is. It should automatically recognize the container configuration file, and asks if you want to open it in an conatiner, click 'Reopen in Container'


  1. Once the VSCode enter the container, it will set up the other extensions and adopt settinsg defined in .devcontainer.json. After it installs the extensions, it might ask you to give permission to reload the conatiner to activate extensions like pylance language server, simply click yes.

  2. at this point, you should be able to run the examples, in a conatiner, try:

(lumos) <username>@lumos_dev:~/numagic/lumos$ python3 examples/

and the simulations should run and in the end you should get something like:

Number of objective function evaluations             = 225
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 67
Number of equality constraint evaluations            = 225
Number of inequality constraint evaluations          = 0
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations   = 67
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 66
Total seconds in IPOPT                               = 3.247

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
INFO:__main__:Maneuver time 1.300 sec
INFO:__main__:Final theta 6.28 rad
INFO:__main__:Final sin(theta) -0.00
  1. [FIXME] currently the python extension setting for vscode extensions (which does not affect running the code, but affects hwo the VSCode extensions work) does not work automatically using the setting in .devcontainer.json. Therefore one must manually set the interpreter for tools such as linting with flake8, and autoformatting with black to work. 6.1) cmd + shift + p -> type 'select interpreter', and choose 'Python: select interpreter' when the option shows up 6.2) the lumos conda env should show up as an option (something like: Python 3.9.10 ('lumos': conda)). Choose this one. 6.3) Then linting and autoformatting should work.

Build the base images locally [Optional]

The aforementinoed process will download the base docker images from the public github repo, alternatively one could build the images locally:

<repo_root>$ docker-compose --env-file .env -f docker/docker-compose-build.yml build

Building GPU container [Optional]

Note: at the moment we switched the base image OS base to a smaller size linux base, to rebuild the GPU image, one needs to:

  1. change to a GPU base image with cuda, eg: nvidia/cuda11.3.0-devel-ubuntu18.04
  2. change the jaxlib version to a corresponding one with compatible cuda version. (sometimes one might also need to change the jax version because of jax and jaxlib version compatibility)

then to start the GPU containers, use multiple docker-compose see here

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.gpu.yml up -d

Environment setup on Mac with M1 chip (Experimental)

It is possible to set up the environment on Mac with M1 chip using both the conda and the docker approach described earlier, but both will require some customization steps to tackle general problems that arise from library/OS/chip compatibilty.

From the speed perspetive, using conda directly seems to have a significant advantage, probably because it can better utilize the power of the M1 chip than via docker with emulation.

Setting up with Conda on M1 Mac

It follows the general approach outlined above, but two main changes:

  1. install casadi with conda-forge instead of pip

Modify the environment.yml to remove cyipopt (we'll install it from source later), and move casadi from pip dependency to conda dependency. Add jax and jaxlib to conda dependencies, as shown below:

  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - casadi
  - jax
  - jaxlib
  - pip
  - pip:
    - casadi
    - pyarrow
    - pandas

And then create and update the conda environment as before

conda create -n lumos_m1 python=3.9
conda env update --file environment.yml

Check if jax and casadi are both working (in a python terminal)

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import casadi as cas
aa = np.random.randn(10), aa), aa)
  1. install cyipopt from source

Clone the cyipopt repo, and move into repo directory:

git clone
cd cyipopt

Check out a release tag (optional)

git checkout tags/v1.1.0

Install the dependencies required (use this as a reference)

conda install -q -y lapack "libblas=*=*netlib" cython>=0.26 "ipopt=3.14" numpy>=1.15 pkg-config>=0.29.2 setuptools>=39.0

Install from source

python install
python -m pip install .

Check if cyipopt is working correctly

pip instal pytest

Test if all components are all working correctly (using lumos examples)

cd ..
python examples/

Setting up with Docker on M1 Mac

It is also possible to set up the dev enviornment using the same dev conatiner, but we would need to replace the jax dependencies in the container as they were built with AVX which is not supported for docker on M1 (which uses Rosetta emulation)

So inside the container, one needs to replace jax and jaxlib with versions that are built WITHOUT AVX, see here

conda install -c conda-forge jaxlib
conda install -c conda-forge jax

And then all should just work as before.

If one wants to build the corresponding container locally, this is equivalent to modifying the enviorenment.yml to:

  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - cyipopt
  - jax
  - jaxlib
  - pip
  - pip:
    - casadi
    - pyarrow
    - pandas

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


scalable accelerated optimal control





