Edison is a CLI tool for help developers work on Intel Edison.
NOTE: Edison is currently in BETA
To install locally while developing us npm install -g
$ edison blink (-i, --i to set a blink interval in seconds, defaults to 1 second), (-p, --pin to specify the desired pin, defaults to 13)
Automatically executes code to make the Edison Arduino Breakout Board LED blink. Note: This is meant for the large form factor Arduino breakout board! Use -i or --interval to set a blink interval in seconds. Defaults to 1 second. Change the pin by passing in -p or --pin, defaults to pin 13.
$ edison wifi
Scan and setup local wi-fi.
$ edison status
A quick check to let you know if Edison is online or offline. Use 'edison wifi' to get your Edison online.
$ edison weather (-c, --city to set a city, defaults to Seattle), (-s, --state to set state, defaults to WA), (-k, --key *required* Weather Underground API key).
*Automatically makes a REST API call to the Weather Underground API. You must have a registered API key and provide it using -k or --key. City and State default to Seattle, WA unless otherwise specified. See my guide for further instructions: https://github.com/mashery/edison/wiki/Using-Edison-with-the-Weather-Underground-API *
$ edison mraa-version
Print the current installed version of libMRAA.
$ edison update-mraa
Update the installed version of libMRAA.
$ npm install -g edison