Include rest of your physical dash into Realdash including the Speeduino Serial3
Speeduino Air Fuel Ratio display using TTGO ESP32 module with TFT display
DEPRECATED In car multi gauge system - STM32, SSD1306, MAX31856, ADXL345, ELM327
Throttle pedal booster based on Arduino. To improve throttle response.
Here's how to use HC-05 Bluetooth Module with Arduino. And build Android App using MIT App Inventor to control devices connected over Bluetooth.
Tjeerdie / speeduino
Forked from speeduino/speeduinoSpeeduino - Arduino based engine management
OLED display for Speeduino ECUs. VERY specific to Miata/MX-5 applications
This is a Oled based speeduino display that polls data over Serial3
An analog stepper motor gauge cluster that gets data over serial from a speeduino ECU
rusEFI Engine Managment for V8 Engines base on rusEFI Proteus
A library of kicad symbols and footprints for parts used across the Speeduino boards
Breakout board for Switec X series stepper motors
An open source TCM for Daimlers 722.6 gearbox. Resource repository
digmorepaka / DBW-Control
Forked from ElDominio/ETC_ControlArduino based Drive By Wire controller WIP
Wide band oxygen sensor controller - a tribute to 14point7 SLC Free
TBAMax / speeduino
Forked from speeduino/speeduinoSpeeduino - Arduino based engine management
This is an open HW project of Electronic Throttle Controller also known as Drive By Wire.
An OLED gauge for the Speeduino ECU. Uses UART (secondary serial) for communication.
Speeduino - Arduino based engine management
Speeduino - Arduino based engine management