A tool for creating new OCaml projects with OPAM, Oasis, and Merlin
The basic usage is opam create [-nopam] [-noasis] [project name]
The -noasis
flag disables the _oasis
generator and the -nopam
flag disables generating OPAM packaging files.
$ opam create
Package name? [default: <current directory>] MyProject
Package version? [default: 1.0.0] 1.0
Please choose a license: [default: All Rights Reserved] GPL
Author name? [default: <git config user.name>]
Author email? [default: <git config user.email>]
Project homepage URL? https://github.com/<user>/<repo>
Project synopsis? <A short description of your project>
What does the package build? [Library/Executable] l
To regenerate the files from the .opamcreate
file, you can run opam create -refresh
WARNING: This will clear out changes to your current _oasis, opam, and .merlin files
If you want to add a new dependency, you can do so using the following syntax: opam create -depend <dependency>
where <dependency>
matches the following format:
name ::= any string
version ::= any string
constraint ::= "{" constraints "}"
op ::= "=" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
constraints ::= op "[" version "]"
| "!" constraints
| constraints "&" constraints
| constraints "|" constraints
dependency ::= name constraint?
Because of limitations of shells, you'll need to quote the dependency if you're using any constraints.
Human-editable global config file?
- Could be TOML, INI, JSON, YAML. Preferably not a custom format
- Replace .opamcreate
- Inject code into OASIS' Makefile to refresh?
opam create -tests
- Generate a test section in your_oasis
file and create the directory