a node.js library for performing geospatial operations with geojson
All features are written in a functional manner with no side effects. In nearly all cases, they accept objects created by the point, linestring, polygon, and featurecollection functions, but these are simply for convenience. Any valid geojson Feature of FeatureCollection will do.
npm install turf
Turf can also be run in a browser. To use it, download the minified file, and include it in a script tag.
<script src="turf.min.js"></script>
It can also be installed using bower:
bower install turf
Planned Features
Additional feature requests welcomed and encouraged. To request a feature, please add a github issue with a description.
- concave
- clockwise
- krige
- cluster
- interval
- cluster
- interpolate
- area
- smooth
Loads a Feature or FeaturCollection from a file.
var t = require('turf')
geojsonFile = '/path/to/file/tress.geojson'
t.load(geoJsonFile, function(err, trees){
if(err) throw err
Saves out a feature or feature collection. 'geojson' and 'topojson' are currently supported.
var path = './testOut/poly.geojson'
var poly = t.polygon([[[0,0], [1,0], [1,1],[0,1]]])
var type = 'geojson'
t.save(path, poly, type, function(err, res){
if(err) throw err
console.log(res) // 1
Creates a geojson point Feature based on an x and a y coordinate. Properties can be added optionally.
var t = require('turf')
var point1 = t.point(-75.343, 39.984)
var point2 = t.point(-75.343, 39.984, {name: 'point 1', population: 5000})
Creates a geojson linestring Feature based on a coordinate array. Properties can be added optionally.
var t = require('turf')
var linestring1 = t.linestring([[102.0, -10.0], [103.0, 1.0], [104.0, 0.0], [130.0, 4.0]])
var linestring2 = t.linestring([[102.0, -10.0], [103.0, 1.0], [104.0, 0.0], [130.0, 4.0]],
{name: 'line 1', distance: 145})
Creates a geojson polygon Feature based on a coordinate array. Properties can be added optionally.
var t = require('turf')
var polygon1 = t.point([[[20.0,0.0],[101.0,0.0],[101.0,1.0],[100.0,1.0],[100.0,0.0]]])
var polygon2 = t.point([[[20.0,0.0],[101.0,0.0],[101.0,1.0],[100.0,1.0],[100.0,0.0]]],
{name: 'line 1', distance: 145})
Creates a geojson FeatureCollection based on an array of features.
var t = require('turf')
var pt1 = t.point(-75.343, 39.984, {name: 'Location A'})
var pt2 = t.point(-75.833, 39.284, {name: 'Location B'})
var pt3 = t.point(-75.534, 39.123, {name: 'Location C'})
var fc = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3])
Calculates the extent of all features and returns a bounding box.
var t = require('turf')
t.load('path/to/file/example.geojson', function(err, features){
if(err) throw err
t.extent(features, function(extent){
console.log(extent) // [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]
Calculates the minimum square bounding box for another bounding box.
var t = require('turf')
var bbox = [0,0,5,10]]
t.square(bbox, function(err, square){
if(err) throw err
console.log(square) // [-2.5, 0, 7.5, 10]
Takes a bbox and returns a new bbox with a size expanded or contracted by a factor of X.
var bbox = [0, 0, 10, 10]
t.size(bbox, 2, function(err, doubled){
if(err) throw err
console.log(doubled) // [-10, -10, 20, 20]
Calculates the absolute center point of all features.
var t = require('turf')
t.load('path/to/file/example.geojson', function(layer, err){
if(err) throw err
t.center(layer, function(center){
Takes a bbox and returns the equivalent polygon feature.
var t = require('turf')
var bbox = [0,0,10,10]
t.bboxPolygon(bbox, function(err, poly){
if(err) throw err
Takes a Feature or FeatureCollection and returns a rectangular polygon feature that encompasses all vertices.
var t = require('turf')
var pt1 = t.point(-75.343, 39.984, {name: 'Location A'})
var pt2 = t.point(-75.833, 39.284, {name: 'Location B'})
var pt3 = t.point(-75.534, 39.123, {name: 'Location C'})
var fc = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3])
t.envelope(fc, function(err, envelopePoly){
if(err) throw err
Calculates the centroid of a polygon Feature or FeatureCollection using the geometric mean of all vertices. This lessons the effect of small islands and artifacts when calculating the centroid of a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly = t.polygon([[[0,0], [0,10], [10,10] , [10,0]]])
t.centroid(poly, function(err, centroid){
if(err) throw err
console.log(centroid) // a point at 5, 5
Takes a point, linestring, polygon, or featurecollection, and flips all of its coordinates from [x, y] to [y, x].
var t = require('turf')
var poly = t.polygon([[[1,0], [1,0], [1,2]], [[.2,.2], [.3,.3],[.1,.2]]])
t.flip(poly, function(err, flipped){
if(err) throw err
Takes a Feature or FeatureCollection and return all vertices as a collection of points.
var t = require('turf')
var poly = t.polygon([[[0,0], [0,10], [10,10] , [10,0]]])
t.explode(poly, function(err, vertices){
if(err) throw err
Combines feature collection of point, linestring, or polygon features into multipoint, multilinestring, or multipolygon features.
var t = require('turf')
var pt1 = t.point(50, 1)
var pt2 = t.point(100, 101)
var fc = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2])
t.combine(fc, function(err, combined){
if(err) throw err
Removes any features from a feature collection that match a property value.
var t = require('turf')
var trees = t.featurecollection([t.point(1,2, {species: 'oak'}),
t.point(2,1, {species: 'dogwood'}),
t.point(3,1, {species: 'maple'})])
t.remove(points, 'species', 'dogwood', function(err, result) {
if(err) throw err
Keeps any features from a feature collection that match a property value.
var t = require('turf')
var trees = t.featurecollection([
t.point(1,2, {species: 'oak'}),
t.point(2,1, {species: 'birch'}),
t.point(3,1, {species: 'oak'}),
t.point(2,2, {species: 'redwood'}),
t.point(2,3, {species: 'maple'}),
t.point(4,2, {species: 'oak'})
t.filter(trees, 'species', 'oak', function(err, oaks){
if(err) throw err
Checks to see if a point is inside of a polygon. The polygon can be convex or concave.
var t = require('turf')
var poly = t.polygon([[[0,0], [50, 50], [0,100], [100,100], [100,0]]])
var pt = t.point(75, 75)
t.inside(pt, poly, function(err, isInside){
if(err) throw err
console.log(isInside) // true
Buffers a point, linestring, or polygon feature to a given radius. Units supported are miles, kilometers, and degrees.
var t = require('turf')
var pt = t.point(0, 0.5)
var unit = 'miles'
t.buffer(pt, 10, unit, function(err, buffered){
if(err) throw err
Calculates the distance between two point features in degrees, radians, miles, or kilometers. This uses the haversine formula to account for global curvature.
var t = require('turf')
var point1 = t.point(-75.343, 39.984)
var point2 = t.point(-75.534, 39.123)
var unit = 'miles' // or 'kilometers', 'degrees', 'radians'
t.distance(point1, point2, unit, function(err, distance){
if(err) throw err
Returns the nearest point feature.
var t = require('turf')
var inPoint = t.point(-75.4, 39.4, {name: 'Location A'})
var pt1 = t.point(-75.343, 39.984, {name: 'Location B'})
var pt2 = t.point(-75.833, 39.284, {name: 'Location C'})
var pt3 = t.point(-75.534, 39.123, {name: 'Location D'})
var inFeatures = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3])
t.nearest(inPoint, inFeatures, function(err, closestPoint){
if(err) throw err
Takes a set of points and the name of a z-value property and creates a tin (Triangulated Irregular Network). These are often used for developing elevation contour maps or stepped heat visualizations.
var t = require('turf')
var z = 'elevation'
t.load('/path/to/pointsfeatures/elevationPoints.geojson', function(err, points){
t.tin(points, z, function(err, tin){
if(err) throw err
Takes a bounding box and a cell depth and outputs a feature collection of points in a grid.
var t = require('turf')
var depth = 15
t.grid([0,0,10,10], depth, function(err, grid){
console.log(grid) // 15x15 grid of points in a FeatureCollection
Takes a trianglular plane and calculates the z value for a point on the plane.
var t = require('turf')
var point = t.point(-75.3221, 39.529)
// triangle is a polygon with "a", "b", and "c" values representing
// the values of the coordinates in order.
var triangle = t.polygon(
{"a": 11, "b": 122, "c": 44}
t.planepoint(point, triangle, function(err, zValue){
if(err) throw err
Takes two point features and returns the mid point.
var t = require('turf')
var pt1 = t.point(0,0)
var pt2 = t.point(10, 0)
t.midpoint(pt1, pt2, function(err, midpoint){
if(err) throw err
Takes a set of features, a property name, and a set of percentiles and outputs a quantile array. This can be passed as a break array to the contour function.
var t = require('turf')
var propertyName = 'elevation'
var percentiles = [10,30,40,60,80,90,99]
t.load('./testIn/Points3.geojson', function(err, pts){
if(err) throw err
t.quantile(pts, propertyName, percentiles, function(err, quantiles){
if(err) throw err
console.log(quantiles) // [ 12, 25, 29, 52, 76, 99, 143 ]
Takes a set of features, a property name, and the desired number of breaks and outputs an array of natural breaks. This classification can be used in the contour function or for theming.
var t = require('turf')
var propertyName = 'elevation'
var num = 10
t.load('./testIn/Points3.geojson', function(err, pts){
if(err) throw err
t.jenks(pts, 'elevation', num, function(err, breaks){
if(err) throw err
done() // [ 11, 12, 18, 25, 29, 41, 50, 55, 76, 90, 143 ]
Takes a feature collection, a in field, an out field, and an array of translations and outputs an identical feature collection with the out field property populated.
var t = require('turf')
var inField = 'elevation',
outField = 'heightIndex',
// 0 to 20 will map to 1, 20 to 40 will map to 2, etc.
translations = [[0, 20, 1], [20, 40, 2], [40, 60 , 3], [60, Infinity, 4]]
t.load('./testIn/Points3.geojson', function(err, pts){
if(err) throw err
t.reclass(pts, inField, outField, translations, function(err, outPts){
if(err) throw err
Takes a FeatureCollection of points with z values and an array of value breaks and generates contour polygons. This is a great way to visualize interpolated density on a map. It is often used for elevation maps, weather maps, and isocrones. The main advantage over a heat map is that contours allow you to see definitive value boundaries, and the polygons can be used to aggregate data. For example, you could get the 5000 ft elevation contour of a mountain and the 10000 ft elevation contour, then aggregate the number of trees in each to see how elevation affects tree survival.
var t = require('turf')
var z = 'elevation'
var resolution = 15
var breaks = [.1, 22, 45, 55, 65, 85, 95, 105, 120, 180]
t.load('../path/to/points.geojson', function(err, points){
t.contour(points, z, resolution, breaks, function(err, contours){
if(err) throw err
Takes a feature collection and returns N random features as a feature collection.
var t = require('turf')
var num = 10
t.load('./testIn/Points3.geojson', function(err, pts){
if(err) throw err
t.sample(pts, num, function(err, outPts){
if(err) throw err
Performs a spatial join on a set of points from a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
t.load('./testIn/tagPoints.geojson', function(err, points){
t.load('./testIn/tagPolygons.geojson', function(err, polygons){
t.tag(points, polygons, 'polyID', 'containingPolyID', function(err, taggedPoints){
Takes a linestring and outputs a curved version of the line.
var t = require('turf')
var resolution = 5000
var intensity = .85
var lineIn = t.linestring([
t.bezier(lineIn, 5000, .85, function(err, lineOut){
if(err) throw err
Takes a feature collection of polygons or linestrings and returns a simplified version, preserving topology of shared boundaries.
var t = require('turf')
var quantization = 50
var minimumArea = 0
t.load('./path/to/complex.geojson', function(err, polys){
t.simplify(polys, quantization, minimumArea, function(err, simplified){
if(err) throw err
Calculates the average value of a field for points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(5,5, {population: 200})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 600})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 100})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 200})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 300})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.average(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'pop_avg', function(err, averaged){
if(err) throw err
console.log(averaged.features[0].properties.pop_avg) // 400
console.log(averaged.features[1].properties.pop_avg) // 200
Calculates the median value of a field for points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(5,5, {population: 200})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 600})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 100})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 200})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 300})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.median(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'pop_median', function(err, medianed){
if(err) throw err
console.log(medianed.features[0].properties.pop_median) // 400
console.log(medianed.features[1].properties.pop_median) // 200
Calculates the sum value of a field for points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(1,1, {population: 500})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 400})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 600})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 500})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 200})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.sum(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'pop_sum', function(err, summed){
if(err) throw err
console.log(summed.features[0].properties.pop_sum) // 900
console.log(summed.features[1].properties.pop_sum) // 1300
Calculates the min value of a field for points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(1,1, {population: 500})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 400})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 600})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 500})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 200})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.min(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'pop_min', function(err, minPolys){
if(err) throw err
console.log(minPolys.features[0].properties.pop_min) // 400
console.log(minPolys.features[1].properties.pop_min) // 200
Calculates the min value of a field for points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(1,1, {population: 500})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 400})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 600})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 500})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 200})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.max(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'pop_max', function(err, maxPolys){
if(err) throw err
console.log(maxPolys.features[0].properties.pop_max) // 500
console.log(maxPolys.features[1].properties.pop_max) // 600
Calculates the count of points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(1,1, {population: 500})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 400})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 600})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 500})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 200})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.count(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'point_count', function(err, counted){
if(err) throw err
console.log(counted.features[0].properties.point_count) // 2
console.log(counted.features[1].properties.point_count) // 3
Calculates the standard deviation value of a field for points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(1,1, {population: 500})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 400})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 600})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 500})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 200})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.deviation(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'pop_deviation', function(err, deviated){
if(err) throw err
Calculates the standard deviation value of a field for points within a set of polygons.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10], [0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(1,1, {population: 500})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 400})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 600})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 500})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 200})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
t.variance(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'pop_variance', function(err, varianced){
if(err) throw err
Takes a set of polygons, a set of points, and an array of aggregations, then perform them. Sum, average, count, min, max, and deviation are supported.
var t = require('turf')
var poly1 = t.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10],[0,10]]])
var poly2 = t.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20], [20,0]]])
var polyFC = t.featurecollection([poly1, poly2])
var pt1 = t.point(5,5, {population: 200})
var pt2 = t.point(1,3, {population: 600})
var pt3 = t.point(14,2, {population: 100})
var pt4 = t.point(13,1, {population: 200})
var pt5 = t.point(19,7, {population: 300})
var ptFC = t.featurecollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5])
var aggregations = [
aggregation: 'sum',
inField: 'population',
outField: 'pop_sum'
aggregation: 'average',
inField: 'population',
outField: 'pop_avg'
aggregation: 'median',
inField: 'population',
outField: 'pop_median'
aggregation: 'min',
inField: 'population',
outField: 'pop_min'
aggregation: 'max',
inField: 'population',
outField: 'pop_max'
aggregation: 'deviation',
inField: 'population',
outField: 'pop_deviation'
aggregation: 'variance',
inField: 'population',
outField: 'pop_variance'
aggregation: 'count',
inField: '',
outField: 'point_count'
t.aggregate(polyFC, ptFC, aggregations, function(err, polys){
if(err) throw err
Calculates the union of two polygon features or feature collections.
var t = require('turf')
t.load(__dirname + '/testIn/Intersect1.geojson', function(err, polys1){
t.load(__dirname + '/testIn/Intersect2.geojson', function(err, polys2){
t.union(polys1, polys2, function(err, unioned){
if(err) throw err
Calculates the intersection of two polygon features or feature collections.
var t = require('turf')
t.load(__dirname + '/testIn/Intersect1.geojson', function(err, polys1){
t.load(__dirname + '/testIn/Intersect2.geojson', function(err, polys2){
t.intersect(polys1, polys2, function(err, intersected){
if(err) throw err
Calculates polygon 1 minus polygon 2.
var t = require('turf')
t.load(__dirname + '/testIn/Intersect1.geojson', function(err, polys1){
t.load(__dirname + '/testIn/Intersect2.geojson', function(err, polys2){
t.erase(polys1, polys2, function(err, erased){
if(err) throw err
This library is built and maintained by @morganherlocker :)