WindowsProtocolTestSuites Public
Forked from microsoft/WindowsProtocolTestSuites⭐⭐Join us at the SNIA SDC IO Lab 2023 (9/18 - 9/21)
C# Other UpdatedMar 27, 2024 -
SimpleKeystoreApp Public
Simple Android app showing how to use the Android Keystore to create, retrieve and delete Public/Private keypairs. Encrypting and Decrypting strings is also shown.
SampleCalculator Public
Simple Calculator app developed as part of an Android Authority tutorial
SimpleLocationApp Public
We explore using the Android Location APIs to retrieve a device's current location using both GPS and NETWORK providers
SimpleAndroidWidget Public
Sample code on how to create a simple android widget. Complete tutorial is available on Android Authority.
UsingCoordinatorLayout Public
A sample Android app that shows some of the ways a CoordinatorLayout can be used
SimpleWearApp Public
A simple android wear app that shows different layouts for round and rectangular wearables, as well as show notification from handheld.
UsingThingspeakWebAPI Public
A simple tutorial on using thingspeak to track a device's location updates.
SimpleGeocodeApp Public
Use the Android Geocoder class to get geographic coordinates of an address, and vice versa
SharedElementTransitions Public
A tutorial on using shared element transitions in both activities and fragments. Published on AndroidAuthority.com
SmartLockSample Public
A very simple app that demonstrates how to integrate Google Smart Lock for Passwords in an android app
UsingAwarenessAPI Public
A simple application that makes use of the new (2016) Awareness API for Android devices.
MultipleFlavorSample Public
A demo app describing how to create and use multiple flavors in an android app
BottomSheetsSample Public
A sample application showing how to use both persistent and modal bottom sheets
AndroidDataBindingSample Public
AndroidAuthority tutorial discussing how to use the Android Data Binding Library.
StoreDataLocally Public
Sample app on the different ways to store data on an android device
SimpleRSSReader Public
A simple RSS reader Android app. As discussed on www.androidauthority.com
SQLiteSampleApp Public
Simple android app that demonstrates the basics for using a SQLite database