In other to start using this package you need to install it by typing this command in your terminal. This tutorial assumes you already have composer installed if not just grap it @
composer require obitechinvent/simplesitemapbuilder
When you have successfully install the lib package initalize as follows:
namespace BS\Controllers;
use BS\Libraries\SiteMap\SiteMapBuilder;
class Home extends BaseController
public function index()
$sitemap_url = [
"link" => "",
"priority" => "0.80",
"link" => "",
"priority" => "0.80",
"link" => "",
"priority" => "0.80",
$builder = SiteMapBuilder::IO($sitemap_url)->create_sitemap();
echo "--------------------< Processing.... >..........................<br>";
echo "<br>--------------------< Done! >...............................<br>";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">