Legend of Zelda 3D game in OpenGL 3. More details in the statement PDF.
cmake CMakeLists.txt
- Move the boat and kill the enemies
- After scoring some points, a boss will appear who is difficult to kill
- There are rocks on the sea. Colliding with them leads to loss of life
- You can shoot torpedos at the rocks/enemies/monsters to destroy them
- A wind may appear at certain intervals of time and it can move the boat along the wind direction
- There are barrels floating on the sea with gifts/powerups available
- On killing a boss, you get a booster which increases your speed for some amount of time
- The game can be viewed through different camera views such as HELICOPTER, FOLLOW, BOAT ...
f | fire cannon |
Space | Jump |
q | quit |
up | move forward |
down | move backword |
left | rotate rightward |
right | rotate leftward |
c | change camera view |
- The game has background audio implemented using threading.
- Zooming, Panning and different views were implemented.
- Scoring scheme was implemented segregating enemies by color scheme.
- Lives were implemented.
- Time elapsed is shown along with the lives left.
- Barrels have gems/powerups.
The MIT License
Copyright © 2017 Utkarsh [email protected]
Music Credits: Hans Zimmer (www.hans-zimmer.com/)