First, you must need to install lottie-react-native: (
Then, run npm install @ocean28799/react-native-lottie-button --save
OR yarn add @ocean28799/react-native-lottie-button
import { LottieButton } from '@ocean28799/react-native-lottie-button';
import React from "react";
import { LottieButton } from "@ocean28799/react-native-lottie-button";
export default function Demo() {
const [status, setStatus] = useState(false);
return (
onPress={() => {
console.log("Doing sth when press button");
// source = {require("./lottiefile.json")}
(JSON FILE) - (require) - source of lottie file, you can get on: ( Default is heart animation.width
(Number) - size of lottie file, default to 48status
(Boolean) - status of the animation, if it's true -> animation is finishedcontainerStyle
(Object) - Additional styles to the container of button.onPress
(Function) - function when on press button...props
(Props) - another props valid to TouchableOpacity of React Native