A Sketch plugin lets you use variables for texts in your designs.
- Download the plugin
- Double click the plugin file to automatically install
- The shortcut should now be available under the
's menu inSketch
Create your langauge JSON like below. Don't forget to create an object for each language.
"en": {
"page1": {
"hello": "Hello English",
"bye": "Good bye English!"
"nl": {
"page1": {
"hello": "Hello Dutch",
"bye": "Good Bye Dutch!"
"de": {
"page1": {
"hello": "Hello German",
"bye": "Good Bye German!"
- Change your text layer name you want to set as variable between square brackets
Example: [page1.hello]
, [page1.bye]
- Create your symbol and give unique names to text layers in it.
- Add your symbol to your artboard.
- Add your override name & JSON key between braclets after your symbol name.
Example: MyButtonSymbol (button_text=[button.submit])
- If you have multiple text overrides in a symbol add comma between definations.
Example: HeaderSymbol (title=[homepage.title],subtitle=[homepage.subtitle])
- Go to
/Import JSON
in Sketch - Select your
formatted file - Select language you want to use
- Booom! Let the magic happen!
If you added new variables to your artboard after you import the JSON file, you can always go to Plugin
/ Translate
/ Update All Texts
or use short cut ⌘ + ⌥ + T