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React Native Advanced Guide Book (iOS & Android) - Be an Expert in 2024 🔥
mifitapp - A production ready web application using React, Typescript & Redux.
A questionanaire for creating effective design systems
My Portfolio Website Powered by Next.js & Vercel
My personal website built with Next.js, Typescript, MDX, Tailwind
Audiobook mobile application accomplished with React Native and React ecosystem, just a single code base.
The Art World in Your Pocket or Your Trendy Tech Company's Tote, Artsy's mobile app.
agile-admin vue3-element-plus-admin vue3.0 ts typescript element-plus vue-cli vue-router i18n vuex composition-api class-style vite pinia webpack 管理端 后台管理 admin模版框架 后端权限控制 动态加载路由 国际化 前端vue 后端java s…
Spotify Lite made with React Native for iOS and Android
📕 Data Structures and Algorithms library in TypeScript and JavaScript
Feature based Architecture for developing Scalable React Native Apps 🚀 using react, redux, sagas and hooks
Tinder clone - React Native.
Airbnb clone app using React Native & Redux
🥞Data Structures and Algorithms explained and implemented in JavaScript + eBook
Answers for
iOS & Android flashcards app for learning German words faster 🃏
A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos ma…
30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. These videos may help too:
Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in JavaScript for beginners, following best practices.
❔❓❔ Notes from technical (javascript) interviews. Tasks and quiz for different topics to discuss on interview / check self skills in javascript
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings