University of Oslo
- Norway
Python & Command-line tool to gather text and metadata on the Web: Crawling, scraping, extraction, output as CSV, JSON, HTML, MD, TXT, XML
Extracts plain text, language identification and more metadata from WARC records
SemBleu: A Robust Metric for AMR Parsing Evaluation
Smatch tool: evaluation of AMR semantic structures
ltgoslo / simple_elmo_old
Forked from akutuzov/simple_elmoMinimal code to work with pre-trained ELMo models in TensorFlow
cfmrp / mrp19
Forked from danielhers/semeval-uccaSample CodaLab competition for use as a template for SemEval tasks
Tutorial on ‘Graph-Based Meaning Representations: Design and Processing’ (ACL 2019)
Software to Manipulate Different Flavors of Semantic Graphs