We have built-in 10445
icons in the material
style. For custom icons provided by the user, we have a separate component called p-svg-icon
Built-in ICONS:
<l-m src="./p-icon.html"></l-m>
<p-icon name="abc"></p-icon>
<p-icon name="abc" size="large"></p-icon>
<p-icon name="access-alarm" size="large" style="color: pink;"></p-icon>
Custom style by --icon-size
<p-icon name="access-alarm" style="--icon-size: 50px;color: pink;"></p-icon>
Custom root-path
<p-icon name="abc" root-path="https://www.example.com"></p-icon>
Custom Icon svg-icon:
<l-m src="./p-svg-icon.html"></l-m>
<p-svg-icon size="large" style="color: pink;">
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M6 15h1.5V9H5v1.5h1V15Zm3.5 0H12q.425 0 .713-.288T13 14v-4q0-.425-.288-.713T12 9H9.5q-.425 0-.713.288T8.5 10v4q0 .425.288.713T9.5 15Zm.5-1.5v-3h1.5v3H10Zm4 1.5h1.5v-2.25L17.25 15H19l-2.25-3L19 9h-1.75l-1.75 2.25V9H14v6Zm-9 6q-.825 0-1.413-.588T3 19V5q0-.825.588-1.413T5 3h14q.825 0 1.413.588T21 5v14q0 .825-.588 1.413T19 21H5Z"
name | type | default | description |
name | string | required | icon name |
root-path | string | https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/p-icons/lib/ | an use: network address, relative path, absolute path, file path, default uses the official p-icons hosting address |
size | string | normal | small: 1.25rem; normal:1.5rem |
large:2.1rem; |