🔍 Project Details:
👤 Member Panel: Members can view and manage their pending, past, and active reservations; access a range of travel tours; review tour details; and make reservations.
🛠️ Admin Panel: Admins can manage CRUD operations for vacation options, perform user and content management.
🌍 Showcase Panel: Users can browse vacation options and obtain detailed information, including vacation packages, prices, and additional services.
🛠 Technologies and Architectures Used: The project is built using modern software development techniques and industry standards:
💻 ASP.Net Core 6.0: A robust and scalable web application framework. 🔗 Entity Framework Core: Flexible data modeling with a Code-First approach. 🏗️ N-Tier Architecture: Layered application structure. 💾 SQL Server, MSSQL, PostgreSQL: Compatibility with various databases. 📡 SignalR: Real-time notifications. ✅ Fluent Validation: User input validation. 📦 Repository & Unit of Work: Sustainable and testable code. 🔄 MediatR & CQRS: Reducing complexity and managing data effectively. 🔀 AutoMapper: Conversion between DTOs and domain models. 🔐 Identity: Secure authentication system. 📋 Logging: Recording errors and events. 🌐 API Communication: Integrations for data exchange through APIs. 🚀 Outcome: This project offers a comprehensive digital solution for tourism companies. It provides user-friendly interfaces, real-time notifications, and flexible data management to effectively manage reservation processes.
| |
| (Presentation Layer) |
| - Member Panel |
| - Admin Panel |
| - Showcase Panel |
| Dependency Injection
| |
| (Application Layer) |
| - Services |
| - MediatR & CQRS |
| Dependency Injection
| |
| (Infrastructure Layer) |
| - Data Access |
| - SignalR |
| - API Communication |
| Database Access
| |
| (Domain Layer) |
| - Entities |
| - Repositories |
| - Unit of Work |
| - Fluent Validation |