Releases: ohidurbappy/reusable
Releases · ohidurbappy/reusable
Version 0.0.9
Version 0.0.9
- Removed Namespace class and related code
- Added chunks() function
- Improved Config class
- Added JsonCache alias for Config class
Version 0.0.8
Version 0.0.8
- Added slugify() function
- Added float_range() function
Version 0.0.7
In this version
- Added get_datadir() function
- Added get_windows_appdata_dir() function
Version 0.0.6
In this release
- Fixed configuration format in json
- Added multiline_input() function
Version 0.0.5
What's New?
- headline() : return a formatted string in headline style
- splash() : return a string with splash style
- Fixed an error
Version 0.0.4
What's New in v0.0.4?
- Added is_valid_json() function
- Bug Fix
Version 0.0.3
What's New?
- random_useragent() : returns a random useragent
Version 0.0.2
What's New?
- random_string() : return a random string of specified length and character set
- print_table() : prints a data table provided as list
- print_time_taken [decorator] : prints the time of execution of a parameter
- groupby_count() : groups a given list according the number of times it appears
- generate_all_datetime_regex : generate the regex for all possible datetime
- download_file : download a file from the given url
- is_python3() : check if the interpreter is python v3
- is_python_above_or_equal() : check if the interpreter is above or equal to the given version
- check_modules_installed() : check if the given modules are installed
First release
- Initial release
- Added Config, AppConfig utility class