Tags: ohze/playframework-standalone
v2.1.0: 1. use HikariCP instead of BoneCP, remove AutoCleanConnection. see: playframework/playframework#2445 (comment) 2. add class play.api.Logger (in previous version, this type is just an alias to org.slf4j.Logger). object play.api.Logger is now also an LoggerLike as in the full play version - so, we can use it directly as: Logger.info(..) 3. play-jdbc config now require configs for `user` & `password` even if you use a driver previously do NOT need those configs - ex when use h2 driver.
+ sync code with play 2.3.0-RC1. As a result, play-jdbc-standalone now do NOT depend on scala-io-core + this version is binary compatible with v2.0.2_2.2. So, it is compatible with both play 2.2 & play 2.3. So, I remove `_2.2` from version number. + cross compile to scala 2.10 & 2.11 + use [sbt-sonatype](https://github.com/xerial/sbt-sonatype)