This image was build following the instructions for installing a Zotero dataserver at (, which is an updated procedure of this document.
docker build -t zotero .
The resulting image is configured to run a dataserver on https://localhost/.
To customize the installation the following files must be edited:
- SSL certificate:
. The current certificate is self-signed for localhost. - Apache site config:
. - Dataserver:
to match the site config. - MySQL credentials/passwords:
The build procedure also creates a couple of test users using the user administration tools: test:test and test2:test2.
# 1st run. Named container simplifies the access (to the data) across runs
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name=FOO -t -i zotero
# all the subsequent runs
docker start FOO; docker attach FOO
This will start the dataserver on https://localhost/. Because of the self-signed certificate some browsers may refuse to connect to the server.
Following the procedure of (
Download the Zotero client, and change these two lines in resource/config.js
inside the zotero.jar archive (zip)
SYNC_URL: 'https://localhost/sync/',
API_URL: 'https://localhost/',
If the server uses a self-signed certificate an exception should be added to the client. A cert\_override.txt
file must be added to the user profile generated by zotero client:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Zotero/Profiles/<random>.default/ MAC
~/.zotero/Profiles/<random>.default/ Linux
c:Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/ Win
The cert\_override.txt
file can be generated with Firefox as explained here ( The override file in this directory corresponds to the self-signed certificate in the apache directory.
cd /srv/zotero/dataserver/admin
./add_user 101 testuser testpassword
./add_user 102 testuser2 testpassword2
./add_group -o testuser -f members -r members -e members testgroup
./add_groupuser testgroup testuser2 member
add_user is a patched version of the script from that allows to set the password from the command line.