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Use a Raspberry Pi Pico to interconnect MIDI devices via a USB hub or old school MIDI


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Use a Raspberry Pi Pico to interconnect MIDI devices via a USB hub or old school MIDI.

This project uses a Pico board, a micro USB to USB A adapter, and a powered USB hub to run software that routes MIDI data among all the devices connected to the hub. There is a UART DIN MIDI IN and a UART DIN MIDI OUT, so you can connect to old school MIDI too. You can route the UART MIDI the same way your route USB MIDI. You configure the routing with command line interpreter (CLI) commands through a serial port terminal.

The software uses some of the Pico board's program flash for a file system to store configurations in presets. If you save your settings to a preset, then the midi2usbhub software will automatically reload the last saved preset on startup and when you plug a Connected MIDI Device to the hub. You can back up any or all of your presets to a USB Flash drive connected to the USB hub. Presets are stored in JSON format.

Project Status


  • Added support for Pico-W board LED
  • Added hardware description
  • Still need to review code comments and internal documentation, clean up formatting, etc.


  • All features implemented except future features
  • Need to clean up code and documentation and fix issues.
  • Need to document the hardware.
  • I have seen an assert that happens sometimes at startup with many devices plugged to the hub. Need to figure that one out especially because it causes a crash.


You can now save and load setups using Pico program flash storage. The last preset save or loaded will be remembered on startup or when a device is plugged or unplugged. Expanded the command set to allow for LittleFs management. Still need to implement backup and restore.


Very early public release to help with USB MIDI host hub testing. Definitely not done. May crash from time to time when you plug in a new device. I have not investigated that yet. Not easily repeatable. UART MIDI is also implemented.

Future Features

  • Implement on a Pico-W with embedded web server support so you don't need to use the CLI.


If you already built midi2usbhost hardware, you can use that again for this project. As of this writing, it is the same: you need a USB host connector, a source for 5V power, a MIDI IN port, and a MIDI OUT port. You just need to plug a powered USB hub to the USB host port. The only difference is that this project has a CLI user interface through the pins for UART1.

If you build your own MIDI hardware, please test it carefully before you plug it into an expensive musical instrument.

For this project, I am showing a more finished project. I built it with a Pico-W board because I want to eventually control it via a browser instead of, or perhap in addition to, the CLI. The enclosure is a Bud CU-1941 with the insides smoothed out and holes cut for the connectors. Smoothing away the PCB card guides was a pain. I would use something else of similar dimensions if I were doing it over again. The USB breakout boards mount on M2 standoffs, and the main board attaches to the box with M2 screws with M2 nuts serving as standoffs. .

I wired a generic USB A breakout board directly to the Pico's testpoints for GND, D+ and D-; the 5V VBus comes from Pico board pin 40:

The Pico-W board plugs to hand-wired board that holds the MIDI IN, the MIDI OUT, and the 5V power connector. I hacked up a 5cm x 7cm board so it would fit in my project box.

Bottom view:

The Pico board gets 5V and GND from the VBus and GND pins of a USB C breakout board. I used the 3.3V MIDI IN circuit from here and I followed the MIDI Specification for 3.3V MIDI OUT. I admit to cheating by using 1/4W 33 ohm resistor; I didn't have a 1/2W resistor on hand. Hopefully that MIDI OUT pin never gets shorted to ground for very long because it will fry the resistor. I substituted a Sharp PC900V for the MIDI IN circuit's H11L1M because it was what I had.

Setting Up Your Build and Debug Environment

I am running Ubuntu Linux 20.04LTS on an old PC. I have Visual Studio Code (VS Code) installed and went through the tutorial in Chapter 7 or Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico to make sure it was working first. I use a picoprobe for debugging, so I have openocd running in a terminal window. I use minicom for the serial port terminal (make sure your linux account is in the dialup group).

Using a tinyusb library that supports USB MIDI Host

The Pico SDK uses the main repository for tinyusb as a git submodule. Until the USB Host driver for MIDI is incorporated in the main repository for tinyusb, you will need to use the latest development version in pull request 1627 forked version. This is how I do it.

  1. If you have not already done so, follow the instructions for installing the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK in Chapter 2 of the Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico document. In particular, make sure PICO_SDK_PATH is set to the directory where you installed the pico-sdk.
  2. Set the working directory to the tinyusb library
cd ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/lib/tinyusb
  1. Get the pull request midihost branch
git fetch origin pull/1627/head:pr-midihost
  1. Checkout the branch
git checkout pr-midihost

Get the project code

Clone the midi2usbhub project to a directory at the same level as the pico-sdk directory.

cd [one directory above the pico-sdk directory]
git clone --recurse-submodules

Patch the tinyusb library

As of this writing, issue 1721 exists in the midihost pull request. You need to patch this issue or you will have problems with large MIDI transfers or with using a USB Flash drive. The patch disables double-buffered transfers in Host mode for all USB endpoints except the control endpoint. This assumes you installed your code in the directory ${PICO_MIDI_PROJECTS}/midi2usbhub

cd ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/lib/tinyusb
git apply ${PICO_MIDI_PROJECTS}/midi2usbhub/patches/0001-Fix-RP2040-Issue-1721.patch

Command Line Build (skip if you want to use Visual Studio Code)

Enter this series of commands (assumes you installed the pico-sdk and the midid2usbhub project in the ${PICO_MIDI_PROJECTS} directory)

If your system is based on a Pico W board, enter this command first

export PICO_BOARD=pico_w

For all boards, enter this commands.

cd ${PICO_MIDI_PROJECTS}/midi2usbhub
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

The build should complete with no errors. The build output is in the build directory you created in the steps above.

Terms this document uses

  • Connected MIDI Device: a MIDI device connected to a USB hub port or to a serial port MIDI DIN connector.
  • USB ID: A pair of numbers the Connected MIDI Device reports to the hub when it connects. They are supposed to be unique to a particular product.
  • Routing Matrix: The software that sends MIDI data to and from Connected MIDI Devices
  • Terminal: a MIDI data input to or output from the Routing Matrix.
  • FROM terminal: an input to the Routing Matrix. It will be a MIDI OUT signal from a Connected MIDI Device.
  • TO terminal: an output from the Routing Matrix. It will be a MIDI IN signal to a Connected MIDI Device.
  • Port: usually a group of 1 MIDI IN data stream and one MIDI OUT data stream associated with a Connected MIDI Device. A Port of a Connected MIDI Device may omit MIDI IN or MIDI OUT, but not both. Ports are numbered 1-16
  • Direction of a terminal: either FROM the Connected MIDI Device's MIDI OUT or TO the Connected MIDI Device's MIDI IN.
  • Nickname: a more human name than specifying a device port's FROM and TO data streams using a USB ID, a Port number and a Direction. Nicknames have a maximum of 12 characters. The default nickname for a port in a given direction is the USB ID followed by either a "F" for a FROM data stream or "T" for a TO data stream, followed by the port number (1-16). For example, "Drumpads" above was renamed from "0000-0000-F1"
  • Product Name: a name that identifies the the attached MIDI device. The Connected MIDI Device sends it to the hub on connection; it is a more friendly name than USB ID, and is the easiest way to assocate the Connected MIDI Device with all the other info.

Command Line Commands


Show a list of all available commands and brief help text.


List all Connected MIDI Devices currently connected to the USB hub. For example:

USB ID      Port  Direction Nickname    Product Name
0000-0000    1      FROM    Drumpads    MIDI IN A
0000-0000    1       TO     TR-707      MIDI OUT A
0499-1622    1      FROM    lead-out    reface CS
0499-1622    1       TO     lead        reface CS
1C75-02CA    1      FROM    keys        Arturia Keylab Essential 88
1C75-02CA    1       TO     keys-in     Arturia Keylab Essential 88
1C75-02CA    2      FROM    faders      Arturia Keylab Essential 88
1C75-02CA    2       TO     faders-in   Arturia Keylab Essential 88

rename <Old Nickname> <New Nickname>

Rename the nickname for a product's port. All nicknames must be unique. If you need to hook up more than one device with the same USB ID, then you must do so one at a time and change the nickname for each port before attaching the next one to the hub.

connect <From Nickname> <To Nickname>

Send data from the MIDI Out port of the MIDI device with nickname <From Nickname> to the MIDI IN port of the device with nickname <To Nickname>. If more than one device connects to the TO terminal of a particular device, then the streams are merged.

disconnect <From Nickname> <To Nickname>

Break a connection previously made using the connect command.


Disconnect all routings.


Show a connection matrix of all MIDI devices connected to the hub. A blank box means "not connected" and an x in the box means "connected." For example, the following shows MIDI OUT of the "keys" device connected to the MIDI IN of the "lead" device.

       TO-> |   |   |   |
            |   |   |   |
            |   |   |   |
            |   |   | f |
            |   |   | a |
            | l | k | d |
            | e | e | e |
FROM |      | a | y | r |
     v      | d | s | s |
            | - | - | - |
            | i | i | i |
            | n | n | n |
lead        |   |   |   |
keys        | x |   |   |
faders      |   |   |   |

save <preset name>

Save the current setup to the given <preset name>. If there is already a preset with that name, then it will be overwritten.

load <preset name>

Load the current setup from the given <preset name>. If the preset was not previously saved using the save command, then print an error message to the console.

backup [<preset name>]

Copy the specified preset to USB flash drive to a file on the drive named /rppicomidi-midi2usbhub/<preset name>. If no preset name is given, then all presets are copied to the flash drive.

restore <preset name>

Copy the specified preset from the USB flash drive directory /rppicomidi-midi2usbhub/<preset name> to the file system on Pico board's program flash.


Reformat the LittleFs file system in the Pico's program memory. It delete all presets.


Print information about the LittleFs file system

ls [path]

List all files in the LittleFs file system. If you specify a path, then list the contents of the path directory. For now, the only directory path is /.

rm <filename>

Deletes the file with name <filename> in the LitteFs file system

f-cd [path]

Change current directory of the current USB flash drive to path. If path is not specified, equivalent to f-cd / (i.e., set to the drive root directory).

f-chdrive <drive number 0-3>

Change current drive number for the USB flash drive. Will only need to do this if you have more than one flash drive plugged in. When you plug in a drive, the code automatically sets the drive number to the latest drive.

f-ls [path]

List contents of the current directory on the current USB flash drive if path is not specified. Otherwise, list the contents of the specified path.


Print the current directory path of the current USB flash drive.

set-date <year(2022-9999)> <month(1-12)> <day(1-31)>

Change real-time clock date. The date and time is used for external flash drive file timestamps.

set-time <hour(0-23)> <minute(0-59)> <second(0-59)>

Change the real-time clock time of day. The date and time is used for external flash drive file timestamps.


Print the current date and time as read from the on-chip real-time clock. The time has a resolution of 2 seconds as because that is what is required for flash drive file timestamps. The initial date and time will be the last time you built the msc-rp2040rtc library.


Use a Raspberry Pi Pico to interconnect MIDI devices via a USB hub or old school MIDI







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