This is the main API for the OpenAQ project. The code in this repository serves two purposes.
Starting with fetch.js
, there is an ingest mechanism to gather global air quality measurements from a variety of sources. This is currently run every 10 minutes and saves all unique measurements to a database.
Starting with index.js
, there is a web-accessible API that provides endpoints to query the air quality measurements. Documentation can be found at
To run the API locally, you will need both Node.js and MongoDB installed.
Install necessary Node.js packages by running
npm install
Make sure you have MongoDB running locally and then you can start the app with
npm start
For the above to work, you will need to have certain environment variables set as in the table below
Name | Description | Default |
INDIA_KIMONO_TOKEN | Token to be used for accessing Kimono API | not set |
MONGOLAB_URI | Database URL | mongodb://localhost:27017/openAQ |
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY | New Relic API key for system monitoring | not set |
SENDGRID_PASSWORD | Email service password | not set |
SENDGRID_USERNAME | Email service username | not set |
To confirm that everything is working as expected, you can run the tests with
npm test
There are a lot of ways to contribute to this project, more details can be found in the contributing guide.