weather-warning Public
A Rust-based program which monitors and visualizes lightning activity in scandinavia using data from MET Norway (Frost API)
face-reconstruction Public
3D face reconstruction from front and side images.
face-detection-server Public
Implementation of a fast face detection server
face-prediction-rs Public
Face prediction CLI using rust ORT library, Ultraface and Arcface. Iterates image folder [image_folder] and compares faces found to [test_case_path].
archive-recognition-rs Public archive
Face embedding software for your local image album.
Rust UpdatedSep 10, 2023 -
archive-recognition Public archive
Do facial recognition on your local files
Python UpdatedSep 6, 2023 -
weather-station-info Public archive
Experimental Svelte project to get weather data for a weather station using MET data.
TypeScript UpdatedAug 30, 2023 -
weatherwarning Public
App to get information about lightning using the frost met api
document-processor Public
REST microservice for document processing, using Apache Tika
openai-sqs Public
A baseline for using OpenAi's API with SQS queues.
react-with-AKS Public archive
React create app hosted in Azure Kubernetes Service using an Azure Container Registry. Changes are pushed to Azure using Github Actions
PRNet-ErrorCalculation Public
Program which calculates the point cloud average of predicted 3D faces using the PRN