This is intend to be a library designed to provide total control over JSON data structure in C.
This project is currently done for me. I have nothing more to add. Although, no unit tests were made because I’m lazy, registering new tests is straigh forward and quick, see the Testing section for more info on that. That being said, I might add some tests in a distant future, if needed.
C-Json provides 3 data structures. JSON_Type, JSON_Dict and JSON_List. For every structures, many useful functions are provided to ensure speed and security of data manipulation. See the documentation for more info.
C-Json implements a parser generated by GNU Bison. This parser can parse any file descriptor that contain valid JSON data. It can either parse a global list or a global dictionary.
C-Json provides basic IO operations on its data structures. See the documentaion for more info.
You will need to have GNU Bison in order to be able to compile the library. There’s no need to have flex, because the lexer is implemented by hand.
To build the library, execute the following commands in a terminal.
$ autorefonf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
To install the library, execute the following command in a terminal.
$ sudo make install
To create new tests, create a file under tests/inc. That file
should be name test-[name].h and write your tests. In order to
execute the tests, you have to include your file in
test-to-include.h under the header Includes Tests. After that,
use the macro TEST
and pass as parameter the name of your function
in the list variable tests. Your test is now register as a worker
that will have his own thread when tests are executed.
Your test should have the following prototype:
void* My_Test(void*)
The parameter is the adress of a struct JSON_WorkerArg
that can be
pass in the TEST
macro during registation. The return value is the
adress of a struct JSON_WorkerRetVal
. It should contain the status
code of the test, i.e if it has succeed or not, the name of the
test and a buffer containing useful information to display.
- Register a test named NAME with (…) args.
- Initiliaze a JSON_WorkerRetVal.
Many more useful macros can be found under inc/utils.h.
// test-foo.h
void* My_Test(void*)
* Name: "Foo Test"
* Buff: "\0"
* Ok : 1
INIT_WORKER(val, "Foo Test", "\0", 1);
return val;
// test-to-include.h
| Includes Tests |
#include "test-list.h"
#include "test-foo.h" // Here we include our test.
JSON_Testers test[] =
TEST(My_Test), // We register one of our test here.
{NULL} // Very important, last test should always be NULL.
The documentation is generated by Doxygen. To generate the
documentation, run *make doc*.
#include <JSON/json.h> // Main json structure
#include <JSON/parser.h> // Bison parser
#include <JSON/io.h> // io manipulaation
#define DICT_SIZE 64
#define LIST_SIZE 128
size_t hashType(const char* key);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
JSON_Type* type = NULL;
FILE* in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
// The parser need the following arguments:
// 1. A pointer to pointer of JSON_Type that will store the overall parsing
// 2. A file descriptor to read from
// 3. A hash function that will hash value for JSON_Dict structures
// 4. The number of buckets for JSON_Dict structures during parsing
// 5. The initial size of JSON_List structures during parsing
if (in)
JSON_parse(&type, in, &hashType, DICT_SIZE, LIST_SIZE);
if (!type)
return 1;
JSON_PrintType(type, stdout);
// Do stuff with type here
return 0;
/* Primitive hash function */
size_t hashType(JSON_HashKey key)
size_t hash = 0;
while (*key)
hash += (size_t)(*(key++));
return hash;