Tags: oleander/overcommit
0.58.0 * Add `rexml` dependency explicitly to support Ruby 3.0. * Add `DartAnalyzer` pre-commit hook to analyze Dart files. * Add `PubTest` and `FlutterTest` pre-push hooks to run `pub test` and `flutter test` for Dart projects, respectively. * Update `index-tags` script to support scanning only files tracked by Git. * Fix `EsLint` pre-commit hook to not report certain false positives. * Update `YamlLint` to `fail` the run instead of `warn` when errors are detected. * Update `YamlLint` parse the line number of output so it is line aware. * Gracefully handle breaking behavior in upstream Psych gem to support YAML aliases. * Fix case where `git` would delete all tracked files when popping stash.
0.53.0 * Improve performance in `PhpCs` pre-commit hook * Add `Pronto` pre-push hook * Remove erroneous extra newline in replacement string for `ReplaceBranch` prepare-commit-msg hook * Add note about potentially checking your stash when hook is interrupted * Add support for skipping hooks based on command result using the `skip_if` option
0.52.0 * Fix `Mdl` to properly parse JSON output from `mdl` * Add `GolangciLint` pre-commit and pre-push hooks * Add `GoTest` pre-push hook * Add `GoFmt` pre-commit hook * Add `exclude_branches` hook option to disable hooks running on specific branches * Add `exclude_remotes` pre-push hook option to disable pre-push hooks running against specific remotes * Change default behavior of pre-push hooks to **not** run against deleted remote refs * Add `include_remote_ref_deletions` pre-push hook option to allow running for a remote branch deletion * Rename `remote_branch_deletion?` pre-push hook helper to `remote_ref_deletion?` * Add per-branch `destructive_only` setting to `ProtectedBranches` pre-push hook